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Choose Corbys
1Ryguy19Body Swap MTF Myth NBM Part Swap Super Unaware
Gnoll Bunker
Inspect the Gnoll Lair
1Ryguy15Anthro FTP Herm MTF Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft TF Unaware
The Beginning
Enter - Karlot Plains
1Ryguy14Animal Aware MC NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Size Super
Contracted for War
It Works
1Ryguy117Age Musc Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Size TF
Liberation of Plussel Village
She Lets Him Go
1Ryguy114Anthro MC NBM Omni Part Swap TF Unaware
The Party Sets Out
Picks the Cat Boy
1Ryguy112Age Animal Herm MTF Magic NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft
Child on the Way
1Ryguy120Aware Body Swap FTP Musc Part Swap TF
Search for Suzie
Decline Service
1Ryguy19Animal FTM FTP MTF Myth Part Swap Part Theft TF
Running from Danger
1Ryguy113Age Anthro Aware FTM Inanimate Musc Part Swap Super TF Unaware
The Third Chimera
Continue Search
1Ryguy114Age Aware NBM Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Second Quest
Macey's Task
1Ryguy110Animal FTM Herm NBM Omni Part Swap Unaware
Smuggling Den
First Quest
1Ryguy19Age FTM Herm MC MTF Myth Omni Part Swap TF Unaware
Knights in Leather Armor
Saved by NPCs
1Ryguy17Age Herm Magic Omni Part Swap TF
Deep Probing
Intense Inspection
1Ryguy16Age FTM Inanimate MTF Magic Part Swap Size Super Unaware
Ruffian Iris
Mist of Shadow
K1110n5Age MC Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Finding SuzieK1110n6Age Anthro Aware Body Swap FTP Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft
Semi Player Character?Catprog12Aware Inanimate Magic Part Swap SciFi TF
MalfunctionCatprog7Age Animal Anthro Aware FTM Herm Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Stable Living
You spend the night in a stable.
unknown95319Anthro Body Swap FTP Herm MTF Magic Part Swap Part Theft Super TF Unaware
Backstory Time!
A little more depth...
GreatLakes3Age Anthro Body Swap FTP MC Magic Omni Part Swap Part Theft Unaware
What did she tell you?
NatalieTheKiller8Animal Anthro FTP MTF Magic Musc NBM Omni Part Swap SciFi
Just Like Me, But As a Girl
David Begins the Game ... As a Girl?
Anonymous513FTM Inanimate MC Magic Part Swap Size TF
The Plain-Looking RingAnonymous517Age Anthro Herm MTF Magic Myth Omni Part Swap SciFi
It couldn't hurt to lookSaurbaum6Age Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap Herm Inanimate Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft TF
I walked out of the room and ...
Into the market square
Saurbaum4Anthro Body Swap FTM Herm MTF NBM Omni Part Swap TF
The Little Angry GirlAnonymous518FTP Herm MC Musc Omni Part Swap
Everyone wants a Bigger Cleavage
Who Want's Boobs?
storymaker8Age FTM Inanimate MC MTF Magic Myth Omni Part Swap Super Unaware
Full powerElvinking2Age FTP Inanimate Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Size Unaware
Not to badElvinking4Age Animal Body Swap FTM Herm MC MTF Part Swap Unaware
Have a little fun with ThumperElvinking3FTP MC Magic Musc Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Super
Just to bustyElvinking2Age Animal Aware Body Swap FTP Herm MC MTF Magic Part Swap Size TF Unaware
ObedianceGuyote5Animal Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC MTF Part Swap SciFi
Suzie's an Angle, you are Suzie
Become Suzie
wehtam2Body Swap FTM Herm Magic Musc Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft TF Unaware
Ettin TroublesAnonymous513Anthro FTM Herm Inanimate Magic Myth NBM Part Swap Super Unaware
Stairway to Epic CityParadox5Age Body Swap FTM Magic Part Swap Size Super TF
Random (Alt)Paradox2Age Anthro Aware Body Swap Herm Inanimate MC Magic Omni Part Swap Size Super
Sage: Doppelganger
tehgaffer5Age Animal Inanimate MTF Magic Musc Part Swap SciFi Size
David, Apprentice Sage
"You mean you're recruiting Sages?"
tehgaffer3Aware FTM Magic Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware
Wenchkongobongo3Age Animal FTM Herm Inanimate MC Magic Omni Part Swap Size TF
Lancelot thinks she's a Devilwehtam8Anthro FTM Herm Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super
Character EditorAnonymous5130MC Musc Part Swap Part Theft Size Super
Help From A VillagerAnonymous5119Age Magic Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft TF
New dragonbitSteal211Anthro Magic Musc Omni Part Swap SciFi Super TF
Misty Versus The Wolves
Misty Gets Attacked By Wolves
Anonymous5130Animal Aware Herm MC Musc Myth Part Swap SciFi Size TF Unaware
There Might Be An ErrorAnonymous515Animal Inanimate Musc Myth Omni Part Swap Size Unaware
The InkwellKevin_McConnell9Aware FTM FTP Magic Part Swap Part Theft SciFi
Myron the Badger SlayerKevin_McConnell7Anthro Inanimate MC Musc Omni Part Swap Part Theft Size
Myron and Susie Meet (finally)Kevin_McConnell6Animal FTP MC MTF Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi
More questions than answers...
It's Yours
Orochi8Anthro FTP Herm Part Swap Size TF Unaware
An Attempt to Communicate
A Knife
Orochi10Age Anthro Aware FTM Herm MC Omni Part Swap Part Theft
Nurse Outfit
darkangel2325FTM Inanimate NBM Part Swap TF
Dream Come True
Wake up
Orochi5Aware Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft Unaware
unexpected plans
the future of gaming
some_guy61FTM FTP MTF Magic Musc Part Swap Part Theft Size Unaware
...Misty finds something
Orochi29Age Animal Anthro Aware Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super TF Unaware
Thanks for pointing out that error.
Good show!
agentsmith16Age FTP Herm Inanimate MC MTF Magic Myth NBM Part Swap Super
that does't help me now.
thesorrow16Age Herm Musc Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF
Suzie is scared by what she sees...
"What are you?"
thesorrow14Inanimate Musc Myth Part Swap TF
Bringin' it Agent style!
Time ta fight, ya bastads!
agentsmith12Aware FTP Herm Inanimate MTF NBM Omni Part Swap Size Super Unaware
Just Wanna Have FunAnonymous513Body Swap Herm Magic Musc Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Unaware
1 vs. 175? Good odds.
Brawl in the marketplace
agentsmith11Anthro Body Swap Inanimate MTF Magic Part Swap Part Theft Size Super TF
Trouble in the marketplace.
Looks like they work pretty damn well!
agentsmith10Animal Aware FTM Musc Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF Unaware
Time to find Suzie.
The city is calling...
agentsmith9Age Animal FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Musc NBM Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Hiding in plain sight.
Entering Epic City. (finally)
agentsmith8Animal Anthro FTM Myth Part Swap Super
Hmm... be an über-strong agent, or be another everyman. Hard choice, wouldn't you say?
agentsmith3Aware Body Swap FTP Herm Inanimate MC Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF
Moving on
Orochi14Age Anthro Herm Inanimate MTF Musc Omni Part Swap Part Theft Size Super TF Unaware
Giant's BloodOrochi13Animal Anthro Body Swap FTM Omni Part Swap Unaware
I'm a What?spotty5Age Anthro Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Size TF
Quest Outlined
Temple of Ludaeth
Orochi21Animal Anthro Body Swap Herm MC Magic Musc Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super
Knocked Out
Vaugil Hits Sandy
Anonymous5128Age Body Swap FTP MTF Magic Myth Part Swap Unaware
Sandy's Tangent
A monster interrupts
Orochi25Animal Anthro Herm Part Swap Super
...and Damsel in Distress
Damsel in Distress
ThePro22FTM FTP Herm Inanimate Magic Myth Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF Unaware
...Knight in Shining Armor?
Knight in Shining Armor
ThePro21Inanimate MC Magic Part Swap Super Unaware
VolcanoAnonymous5121MTF NBM Part Swap Super
Wandering Through the Jungle
Misty Takes Control
Anonymous5118Aware FTP MTF NBM Part Swap SciFi Super Unaware
Great Plains Wolf ManAnonymous513Age Aware MTF Part Swap Part Theft TF
Point of no returnGhost_Hand21Anthro FTM FTP Herm Inanimate MC Musc Myth Omni Part Swap Size Super TF Unaware
Just Like Me
David Begins The Game
Anonymous513Body Swap Inanimate MC Magic Part Swap Super TF Unaware
A GiftThePro10Body Swap FTP Inanimate MC MTF NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft Size
Can I Change?
He Finally Stops Laughing
Anonymous519MC Magic Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft TF Unaware
Startled and Confused
The Next Morning
Anonymous518Body Swap Myth Part Swap Part Theft Super TF Unaware
David Checks His Status
Anonymous517Age Anthro Aware FTP MTF Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Super Unaware
Rex's PlaceAnonymous5116Age Aware FTP MTF Part Swap Part Theft Size TF
To The Dance HallAnonymous5113Inanimate Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super
The Real WorldAnonymous5130Animal MC MTF Omni Part Swap Super
Out of His Grasp
David Distracts Him
Anonymous519FTM Herm MC Magic Part Swap Part Theft
The Confrontation
Find Susie
Orochi10Anthro Aware Body Swap MTF NBM Part Swap
A gift from the randomiser
randomiser bonous
Neo_Wehtam5Anthro Aware Body Swap MC Magic Part Swap SciFi TF Unaware
Old world of Darkness sub-settingFraylor2Aware Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Misty is in trouble...
A hole?
Paradox13Age Animal Anthro FTP MC Musc NBM Part Swap TF Unaware
Meet Shazan
A guide?
Orochi9Anthro FTM FTP Inanimate MC NBM Omni Part Swap Super TF
David makes her move.
Suzie joins the ranks.
Paradox11Herm Inanimate MTF Magic Part Swap TF
Fight it!
White_Raven10Age Aware Inanimate NBM Part Swap
Time For a Makeover!
They go to Le Paul's Salon
deepfried16Anthro Aware FTP Inanimate MC MTF Omni Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super
My first combatGhost_Hand14Animal Anthro FTM FTP Herm MTF Magic Musc NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size Super TF
The Silver Lining
Pros and Cons
Reactant5Body Swap FTM FTP Herm Myth Part Swap Size
the hacker's turn
somewhat different
astrangefish2Anthro Aware FTM Inanimate Musc Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Super
no choicespooky10Anthro FTM Inanimate Omni Part Swap Part Theft Size Super Unaware
days laterspooky8Animal Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Unaware
A new job
Paradox9Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap MC NBM Omni Part Swap
Some explinations are necessary
Waking Up...
Cassavetes7Animal FTM MTF NBM Part Swap Size Super

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