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A Waitress
Sara7MC Omni Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Hey, you took my body
Sara5Age Herm MC MTF Omni Part Theft Size TF
Lifetime Sentence
Sara5Animal Anthro Inanimate MC Musc Myth NBM SciFi
The new Misty
Loss of control
alan_burke14Aware Herm MC NBM Part Theft SciFi
The new Misty
Loss of control
alan_burke14Age FTM Herm MC Musc Myth Omni Super
Really in the game
Did I forget to mention...
me13Age Herm MC Omni SciFi
Let’s think this all through first
Just think, work = money = being David here
Sara21Age Animal Anthro Body Swap FTP Inanimate MC MTF Part Theft Size Super
Here’s DAVID
Sara37Age FTM Herm MC Magic Musc Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size TF Unaware
Let’s see what I have here.
Explore the Room.
Sara34Anthro Body Swap FTP MC Magic Myth Part Swap SciFi Size
A Run In With A SageGhost_Hand12Herm Inanimate MC Musc Super
Looking AroundGhost_Hand10MC Size Unaware
Clothes ShoppingSprintz18Anthro Aware MC MTF Magic Musc Super
Regaining My SensesSprintz16FTM FTP MC MTF NBM Size Super
Make a new avatar?Sprintz15Body Swap FTP Herm MC MTF Magic
Hitchin a RideSprintz12Anthro FTM FTP Inanimate MC MTF Part Swap Super TF
Leaving the Dance HallSprintz11Age Animal Aware FTM Inanimate MC Myth Unaware
How do I reach Suzie?Sprintz10Body Swap Herm MC MTF Magic Myth
First Touchgriever18Age Anthro Herm MC Magic TF
odd choice
if you belive in faires clap your hands!
rock4Body Swap Herm MC Unaware
Disney Babes
A boy who loves Disney cartoons is given the chance to become any character he wants
Ian_Salter2Age FTP Herm MC MTF Magic Myth Unaware
Strength of Mind
Strength of Mind
Wearwolf14Animal MC Myth Omni
Who Am I? Where Am I?
French Maid
Holly_Dunn17Age Body Swap FTM FTP MC MTF Omni Part Theft SciFi TF
out and about
Time to go exploring
Zhara28Anthro Body Swap MC Musc Part Swap Super Unaware
How did I know?x26Age Aware FTM Inanimate MC Musc NBM Part Swap Size Unaware
One option is all I got left.
guy23Aware FTP MC MTF Myth NBM Omni TF
Reality Bytes
More than you can imagine
guy22Age Anthro Herm Inanimate MC Myth NBM Omni Super
Wake up calls are rough when your lights are knocked out
Wake up
guy20Age Aware Herm MC Size Super Unaware
Warp speed
guy19FTP Herm Inanimate MC Musc Super
Damn I am in trouble here.
Enter Fight
guy17Age Animal FTM FTP MC MTF Magic Myth NBM Omni Super
Maid for this Job
French Maid
guy15Anthro Body Swap Herm MC MTF Musc Omni SciFi Unaware
Gotta Dance
Destination unknown
dana13Anthro FTM Inanimate MC Magic Musc NBM Omni Part Swap Size
Story Line Character
The Outside World
dana11Age Body Swap Inanimate MC Magic Musc SciFi
Hey you Devil you
Problems from the start
cvn886FTM FTP MC Musc NBM Omni Unaware
Beyond the Room Door
from Good Luck
Diane10FTP MC Magic Size TF
Finally, some Good Luck
Good Luck
guy9Animal FTM Herm MC MTF Myth NBM
Try the MAP outguy8Age Aware FTM Inanimate MC Magic TF
The Dressing Room
Entering Starting Point
Rob6Age MC Musc Myth NBM Part Theft Size Super
Thri-Kreen(mantis warrior) fighter
Something unusual
me2Age Animal Body Swap FTM Herm MC MTF Part Theft Size
First Try
Beginners Luck
guy3Animal Anthro MC Myth Part Swap Size Super
Let's try this out
guy2Inanimate MC MTF Magic Myth SciFi
The Future of Gamingdeepfried1Animal Anthro Inanimate MC MTF TF Unaware

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