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Wonder what Jon is going to become, thx for the chapter

By Anonymor - 2019-03-26 05:54:39

On A few changes.

Perhaps a way to change the background color? Like instead of blue it can be red, green, etc.

By avatar Mr. C - 2019-03-25 23:48:17

On Suggestions for site redesign

Also a simple limit on how wide the text can be, for readability you don't really want lines of text to average more than about 80-100 characters IIRC or your eyes have touble landing in the right place when you go down a line.

I often find myself resizing my browser window when looking at FB just so the lines of text are shorter.

By bigbustgazer - 2019-03-25 02:24:55

On Suggestions for site redesign

I'm hoping to. Need some time to write out some more. Learned the hard way if I do an episode at a time I eventually give up.

By Piper Bayleaf - 2019-03-24 18:15:45

On Meet Hailee's Mom

interesting thread, hope you continue it

By Anonymor - 2019-03-23 17:59:28

On Meet Hailee's Mom

@bigbustgazer The ability to subscribe to an author and/or branch is something I considered a while ago, and the site is now in a good place to implement that. Expect to see these features relatively soon.
As for a recently upvoted list, that might take a bit longer. Currently upvotes are not stored with timestamps, so I'd need to add timestamps and then give it a while to actually populate with timestamped upvotes so the list returns meaningful results. And as for weighting that based on depth and/or being a leaf...we'll see. I'm not sure how exactly that would work mathematically.

@Switchchick It's extremely unlikely that I will add a native messaging system any time soon. I toyed around with the idea while ago, but I think it would cause more trouble than it's worth. For now I'll just say that users who wish to be contacted should add some contact info (email, social media handle, etc) on their profile page. If you wish to contact a user and they've not provided any such info, you can try leaving a comment on one of their episodes or posting in The Forum asking for them. Not a great solution I know, but I don't think we really need messaging, and it would require moderation to prevent potential abuse, and like I said, I don't think it's worth the trouble.

@Crazytigerboy Brayn also has some kind of idea for a tagging/grouping scheme that we've been discussion. Not really sure how that's going to work, but expect for something to happen in that regard at some point.

By avatar Phoenix - 2019-03-23 04:27:50

On Suggestions for site redesign

A messaging system so I can see if people want to add to my branches lol as well as talk about ideas to the ones that do

By Switcher - 2019-03-23 02:16:16

On Suggestions for site redesign

Oh and maybe a "Watch Branch" thing where if a branch gets a new child it notifies you, like you can have it do for branches you wrote.

By bigbustgazer - 2019-03-23 02:12:55

On Suggestions for site redesign

A recently upvoted list, sorted by something like "frecency" of upvotes combined with distance from story root and age, maybe with boost to leaves...

The idea being that if someone ends up at an old dead end branch from the root and upvotes it, it gets some visibility somewhere to hopefully spark an idea in someone else to pick it up.

By bigbustgazer - 2019-03-23 02:07:34

On Suggestions for site redesign

cloud tagging for content, i assume you're referring to?

By avatar Brayn - 2019-03-22 19:26:27

On Suggestions for site redesign

A tagging system/categories to tag stories/episodes would be very helpful. Would make it a lot easier to find what your looking for instead of digging through endless episodes

By Crazytigerboy - 2019-03-22 10:18:04

On Suggestions for site redesign

Yay for more sphinx story.

By Catprog - 2019-03-21 17:18:33

On Biffs strange power...


By bigbustgazer - 2019-03-18 00:57:01

On Spending the night

Glad to see this one is being added to again.

By funfun74 - 2019-03-15 16:51:06

On What Nina did next

Thanks for the patience. I have to apologize again, I couldn't find the time this week.

By Literally Noone - 2019-03-13 23:30:40

On Wishing Jon was human again

There is a lot of changes here! I’m interested in where this will go~

By avatar Mr. C - 2019-03-11 16:18:25

On More girly changes

Can’t wait to see where this goes!

By Switcher - 2019-03-11 11:20:32

On Back in the classroom

Recovers for you father!

By Goryu - 2019-03-09 22:05:56

On People Start Coming Together

Continuing the twins chapter and making them edge towards twincest? Yes please!

By avatar Mira - 2019-03-09 15:13:22

On Peeking in

Good luck! Real life comes first, and if we have to wait, well, your writing is worth waiting for.

By DreamerDreaming - 2019-03-07 01:06:47

On Wishing Jon was human again

Thanks! I'm not big on "consent as a mania" like it is right now, but Karyn was really concerned. I think she has a right to be.

By Literally Noone - 2019-03-06 22:38:31

On Fucked as a pussy

Sorry for the shorter episode, midterms are in the air.

By Literally Noone - 2019-03-06 22:35:07

On Wishing Jon was human again

I really like your writing and would love it if you had time to add to any of my branches. I’m a bit stuck at the moment

By Switcher - 2019-03-02 23:55:03

On Thanks

Excellent once again! I really appreciate the detail of Karyn asking Jon for consent beforehand. You wouldn't read that elsewhere, but this is why that's easily my favourite story of this kind.

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-02-28 09:42:05

On Fucked as a pussy

I like this, and I want to see you keep going. But I've got a slightly different direction to take :)

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2019-02-26 05:08:33

On Like Minded: Too Hot for Jeans

This is some damn good writing.

By leroco - 2019-02-23 17:25:16

On Karyn washes Jon, the vagina

Reading positive comments about your writing on a fetish porn site is a weird feeling, but an enjoyable one. Thank you both very much, the idea that people care about this is part of what makes it so fun.

By Literally Noone - 2019-02-21 23:24:15

On Karyn washes Jon, the vagina

I can only wholeheartedly second DreamerDreaming's comment. We're lucky to have someone so talented write this type of rare stuff.

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-02-21 19:22:50

On Karyn washes Jon, the vagina

Fantastic work as always. Your ability to describe such an alien experience in such clear detail is nothing short of amazingly talented. And to leave us on such a cliffhanger, Karyn isn't the only one being a tease.

By DreamerDreaming - 2019-02-21 01:08:29

On Karyn washes Jon, the vagina

I find his perspective hotter as well, but I wanted to give this a try. Though, I hope you both like the next chapter better ;)

By Literally Noone - 2019-02-20 21:39:12

On Karyn takes a bath with Jon

happy this is back

By Anonymor - 2019-02-18 14:57:47

On A Briefing

Thanks for mentioning that, I missed it. I made the edit.

By avatar Tenkuu23 - 2019-02-18 11:27:22

On A Briefing

You say the Lower the number the weaker they are but in fact the reverse is true

By Great Sage - 2019-02-18 11:18:19

On A Briefing

Magic. The neck was erased yet Lucy talks. Therefore the mechanisms must be in her body too

By Chompy - 2019-02-17 02:55:50

On Jason and Lucy try to figure out a way out of this mess...

Great story so far! I've also been eagerly watching for new additions. Your descriptions of Jon's POV have been excellent, though I'm also glad that we get Karyn's perspective and that she's enjoying this as much as he is.

By gqfsojzy - 2019-02-16 19:37:35

On Karyn takes a bath with Jon

Good thing nobody's relying on Lucy for precise anatomical expertise ;)

By nothingsp - 2019-02-16 19:23:05

On Jason and Lucy try to figure out a way out of this mess...

I don't want to be Pedantic Pete here but the voice box is in the throat, not the chest

By Great Sage - 2019-02-16 15:59:01

On Jason and Lucy try to figure out a way out of this mess...

I mean, from his perspective is what I'm saying

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-02-15 13:06:18

On Karyn takes a bath with Jon

Awesome chapter as always. Personally I would prefer to have Jon's perspective depicted like the first and second time he wished to be a pussy, it's what makes the whole thing really hot imo

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-02-15 13:05:59

On Karyn takes a bath with Jon

thx for the chappie

By Anonymor - 2019-02-12 18:14:54

On MMS: Meeting the others

thx for the heads up

By Anonymor - 2019-02-12 13:01:24

On Fae School

Apologies, my dad has been in the hospital so I haven't been up to writing. I know what is coming next though. <3

By Capt - 2019-02-12 03:01:30

On People Start Coming Together

I do intend to continue all of my threads, I had a week off work which was why I exploded into activity, now I am back at work I'm tired all the time so that is cramping my inspiration a bit. I have a continuation of MMS right now being worked on which I should post tomorrow, after which I shall see what takes my fancy

By Great Sage - 2019-02-11 23:32:36

On Fae School

Hope you going to continue and make a full story for any of your threads, would love to see jon changing and becoming a fae in mind and body.

By Anonymor - 2019-02-11 17:11:16

On Fae School

Thanks for staying with me, part of the reason I'm writing this is that I've been through everything on your list too many times!

By Literally Noone - 2019-02-08 19:44:06

On Karyn wishes you were her pussy

I've been looking forward to these updates every week. I love the way you write Jon and Karyn, you make them feel very real!

By DreamerDreaming - 2019-02-08 12:13:15

On Karyn wishes you were her pussy

you stuck now boy!

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-02-07 18:01:28

On Like me, Like you

Twinning stories for the win!

By avatar Mira - 2019-02-07 17:54:45


Hey looks good! I was tempted to do something similar. Trying to figure out a way to get his head stuck on another body ;)

By Chompy - 2019-02-07 02:43:37

On Lucy comes up with a different idea

'stole' a bunch of Chompy's episode for this, but i had to take it in this direction, i am planning on adding to Chompy's one though

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-02-06 18:35:39

On Lucy comes up with a different idea

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