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6. Sarah and three friends

5. Another magic item (though tec

4. Mysterious Trinkets

3. A couple months down the road

2. Jon decides this thing is bad

1. You Are What You Wish

A Spookily Similar Conversation

on 2005-08-17 20:59:58

805 hits, 26 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro Aware MC Magic

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(Continuing the trend, why not?)

The door swung open and into the small shop walked none other than Sarah McMillan. She was flanked on each side by fellow cheerleaders Erica Henderson and Melissa O'Grady. Beth'ney Brook, another cheerleader, followed shortly behind the others. Looking around her, Sarah gawped.

"Can you believe some of this stuff?" she said, picking up an odd-looking hat. "What's this supposed to be? It doesn't look worth $75 dollars, that's for sure. See any good costumes, Erica?"

"Not really, Sarah," Erica said. Erica Henderson was probably the most popular girl in school, behind Sarah. As such, the two enjoyed the pretence of a friendly rivalry most of the time. She had blond hair like Sarah and was a little taller, but her bust was not as developed. Erica was known for being one the meanest good-looking girls in school, to the point where even Sarah thought she was spiteful and rude at times. "I mean, there are some 'interesting' outfits here, but I'm not sure I'd call them 'costumes', and even at 50% off, some of these prices seem a bit steep."

The old man subtly motioned towards the open jewellery box in front of him, the three magic stones glistening attractively inside. "See anything you like?" he asked.

"This is an interesting shop," Sarah said. "But I'm not sure we're willing to spend the prices you're asking."

"Ah, I see," the old man replied. "In that case, let me make you an offer. I'll loan you one item in this store, for oh ... let's say, a week. You can try out the item - say maybe these three beautiful gems in front of me - and if you're not perfectly satisfied, you can rent any costume here for an 80% discount. What do you think?"

Sarah and Erica paused in thought for a moment, before Melissa spoke up. Melissa O'Grady was another best friend-cum-rival of Sarah. She was a natural redhead and the shortest girl there, but her most defining feature was her family's fortune. They were the richest in town. Melissa enjoyed flashing her money around but rarely bought things for other people. Even so, Melissa is one of the most popular girls in school (mostly to those who don't know her). She said, "Well, the costume dance is just over a week away, so I guess we still have time to get costumes. I'm game. What do you think, Sarah?"

"Yeah, I guess," she said.

"Well, do you know what item you'd like?" asked the old man, as he lifted the jewellery box into her line of vision.

"What's the deal with that hat?" Sarah pointed to the strange-looking headpiece she'd picked out moment earlier.

"It once belonged to a plumber. I use it to dust my shelves. It's not important. You don't want it."

"Then why's it so expensive?"

"It was a very famous plumber. How about some jewellery?" The shopkeeper raised the box in his hand higher and cried out in mock surprise, "Why, look at what I found!"

"Hey, what are those in your hand?" Beth'ney asked. Beth'ney (short for Elisabeth-Courtney) Brook isn't one of the most popular girls in school, but she is Sarah's chief hanger-on. She goes along with all Sarah's ideas because she's well aware of just how far her social standing would fall if she didn't. Beth'ney is pretty, but not nearly as attractive as the other cheerleaders there, and is the not-so-proud owner of brown-dyed-blonde hair and a complex about the size of her butt.

"Ah yes, the Circle of Stones," the old man said with a quiet sigh of relief.

"Wow... those are pretty!" Melissa gasped. "How much?"

"I'll get to that in a second, young lady," the old man frowned and held the box away from Karyn. "There's a terribly long and interesting story behind them, but I won't bore you with it right now. But allow me to explain some things. This is a powerful socialisation of magic known as the Circle of Stones. Each bearer of a stone may have any of their wishes granted, but beware! Only those requests made relating to a bearer within your Circle will be granted as you desire. What is more, wishes may only be reversed if at least half of the circle wishes them so. Finally, only stone bearers, those within the Circle, will notice the results of these wishes as they happen. All other people will treat any changes to reality as they have always been."

It was then that the old man noticed the cheerleaders' incredulous glances to each other.

"I know what you're thinking and-"

"Are you serious?" Erica interrupted.

"Yes, very serious," the old man answered, perturbed.

"Magic stones that grant wishes? Get serious," Sarah scoffed.

"I'm always, always very serious," the shopkeeper replied sternly. "What I'm telling you is true."


"Yes indeed... And I know what you're thinking-"

"If they're magic and can grant all your wishes, why are you giving them away?" Sarah asked.


"That's true actually," Erica added. "If I had something like that, you can bet I'd keep it."

"Me too," Sarah replied to her friend.

"I'm giving it away because, erm," the old man paused in thought. He was truly stuck! He decided to change tact, "Well, if you're not interested I guess I'll put them away. I haven't got all day you know."

"Yeah, because you're like, so busy with all these paying customers in your shop..."

"Look, do you want the magic gems or not?" the old man snapped.

"Yeah, sure, I guess," Sarah said as she took the trio of stones from the box.

"We're just kinda bored of you talking," Erica explained.

"You seem a... a headstrong group of young folks, I'm sure you'll enjoy them," he said as the cheerleaders left the shop. "See you in a week!"

Pausing outside the shop window, Sarah handed one of the stones to Erica and another to Melissa.

"What about me? I should have one!" Beth'ney whined.

"Sure you should," Sarah replied. "I know, you can use Melissa's or Erica's when they're done with theirs."

"Thanks," Beth'ney said sarcastically. "I hate how you always dump on me sometimes, Sarah."

"Besides," Sarah smiled, "a few months ago you took my favourite sunglasses and still haven't given them back, so I'm not giving you anything else until you do!"

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