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3. Deinonychus

2. The Iridescent Option

1. The Future of Gaming

A New Quest?

on 2018-11-25 11:15:04
Episode last modified by K1110n on 2018-11-25 11:19:33

1264 hits, 51 views, 0 upvotes.

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It didn’t take long for the character creation process to load me into Epic City. However, upon arrival, I felt something odd about my form. Quickly checking my profile, I gasped in shock at what I found.

NAME - David
AGE - 17
RACE - Dinosaur
APPEARANCE - Deinonychus
Hair - Spotted Black and White Fur
Eyes - Black like a Horse’s
Plumage - On back of forearms and head
Fly - cannot
Tail - 1.8 meters (6 feet)
Height - 3’ 9”
Weight - 132 lbs
Clothes - Size Small

CLASS - Fighter (Select to Expand)
PROFILE - Basic Stats (Select to Expand)
SPECIALTIES - Iridescent Bonus
ITEMS - Journal, Map

START IN: Epic City - Outskirts

“Cool.” I mumble in awe. “This is great!” I close the profile screen and stretch my arms and legs. Sharp pointy claws extend as I move showing just how clearly vicious I can be. I bend my tail to find that it’s surprisingly flexible, so much so that it might even be a useful weapon by itself. I grin to myself, unknowingly revealing a row of extremely sharp teeth. “Can’t wait to tell Suzie about that feature.”

A curious flashing on the side of my screen catches my attention. I open it up to find a quest dialog box. Strange, I didn’t hear of any special quests before. I glance around my surroundings to see if there’s any landmarks nearby, but all I see is the forest and the gates of Epic City that they lead up to. Tilting my head, I give the cursory quest a quick once over.

Keeper Quest 1/???
Strange beings have begun to appear on Ether that threaten to destroy it Hunt 10 of these monsters
Reward A keystone of your choosing

Oh man, first this amazing character and now a personal quest line. This might have been the best find ever. I hover over the accept button, but get a small warning saying that I cannot be apart of an Order until this questline is complete. That makes me hesitate, I was really looking forward to meeting Lancelot and becoming apart of his Order. I know that he is the one who created this game and yet, something about this quest tells me that it’s never going to appear again if I don’t accept this now. Torn between being apart of something hugely important to me and a once in a lifetime opportunity. I ended up choosing...

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