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3. Freddie & Micki you're so cute

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Freddie & Mickie you're so cute!!

on 2001-03-12 14:37:11
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 2018-05-25 09:23:23

5200 hits, 280 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Orr, you jerk" said Mickey picking up the rock "I wish you were a big sissy and everyone picked on you, instead the class bully". The rock started to glow in Mickey's hand and all of a sudden there was a flash of light and when Mickey opened his eyes and looked at Fred Orr, he was shocked. There stood someone who resembled Fred Orr, but, very different. This person was shorter, skinnier and looked a little like a girl. He had shoulder length bleach blonde hair, pierced ears, a tight pink sweater, tight pink pants, and even a little makeup. Mickey looked in shock "Fred, are you ok". The person looked at Mickey and smiled "Mickey, you know to call me Dee, short for Freddie".

Ms Warren chimmed in "Quit class, let's get to work. Let me see your rocks you brought in". Dee looked over at Mickey and asked if he could share Mickey's rock. Mickey was still in shock and just stared as Dee reached over and grabbed the rock as Ms Warren was walking by. Dee said in a sweet voice "me and Mickey are sharing our rock, we found it together". "That's nice I'm glad you have found a friend Mr. Orr, That is very nice of you to share Mr. Matthews" replied Ms Warren.

Mickey snapped out of his shock and told Freddie to give back the rock. As Dee was holding the rock he said the magic words "I wish... you and me were best friends and you liked me alot and we could dress up together and play girly stuff, but, your always so mean". Mickey's eyes got real big as he realized what was about to happen. There was another flash of light and as Mickey opened his eyes, he had to push the blonde hair out of the way to see out. He flicked his hair back in the most feminine manner. "OH GOD, what's happened to me" screamed Mickie. Realizing that he had changed he had to get out of there and figure out what was going on.

"Ms Warren, may I please be excused" Mickie said in a very soft voice.
"Sure Mr. Matthews, but, hurry back, we have work to do"

Mickie ran as fast as he could to the restrooms. When he got there, he had a problem. His body wanted to use the girls room and his mind wanted to use the boys. He started to cry and closed his eyes and ran into the girls room, luckily no one was in there at the time. He ran to the mirror to see what happened. As he stood there in shock, what looked back was a very pretty girlish looking boy. He automatically opened his purse and took out some lipstick to touch up his lips.

"PURSE, LIPSTICK, WHAT'S HAPPENING" Mickie couldn't stop himself as he applied the lipstick. I better check myself as he headed for a stall and locked himself in. As he pulled down his pants all he saw was wearing pretty pink lacy panties. "OH GOD, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO" Mickie said as he started to cry again. He pulled himself together, pulled his pants back up and went out and checked himself in the mirror again. As he stood there brushing his pretty red hair, he swore "I'm going to fix this somehow, it has to be that rock of Jon's, I'll get it back and go see my cute brother to fix this""did I just say cute brother, I better hurry before I'm acting totally like a girl".

As the day went on Mickie could feel his regular self slipping away. After him and Dee just got back there math tests, Mickie actually ran up and gave Dee a big kiss. "Oh Dee honey, like thanks for your help on that test, I'm just like not any good at that adding stuff" as he twirled his hair around his finger. Dee and Mickie walked home together hand in hand as the other kids were making remarks. When they got to Mickie's house, they went in and up to Mickie's room.

"Dee honey can I like see our rock thingy from like class today" Mickie asked
"Sure sweety, only if you give me a kiss first" replied Dee
Mickie automatically opened his mouth and lip locked Dee, sinking his tounge deep down Dee's throat. They both fell back on the bed, locked in an embrace. Mickie couldn't stop himself, he was so excited and wanted Dee so bad. They ripped off thier clothes and went to work on each other. Mickie thought he died and went to heaven, as he orgasmed over and over. When it was done Mickie grabbed the rock out of Dee's purse. Still breathing heavy from thier episode, mickie said "I wish... I wish... I wish..." all that came to mind was making love to Dee and being as girly as possible. "No this isn't right, I'm Mickey, a boy and this all happened by accident, I want to be me agian" Mickey got out as he started to cry. "I wish... I wish... I wish.." He was trying so hard to put the right thoughts in his head, but, he was failing. "I wish... I wish...I could make love to Dee all the time and that I had the right equipment and that I was very pretty and Dee loved me alot". Mickie broke down as he knew what he had done. He waited for things to happen. The rock glowed as the flash of light came and Mickie was changed forever.

After she opened her eyes, she got up and walked over to the mirror and stood there silent. What looked back was a very pretty girl with a body to die for and long red hair touching the cheeks of her pretty little ass. Mickie would be forever Jon's little sister. Dee came up behind her and held her for a while and they kissed. "Mickie, I love you" Dee replied as they laid on the bed together. Mickey got up and said "I'll be right back I have to do something". She grabbed the rock and went over to Jon's room returning what was rightfully his. As she sat there and thought about all that has happened she began to..........

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