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5. Guess who Dee's sister is?

4. Dee and Mickie talk...

3. Freddie & Micki you're so cute

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah takes care of business

on 2001-03-13 16:08:04

2693 hits, 202 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal Body Swap Inanimate MTF Magic Musc Part Theft SciFi

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Meanwhile... back at Mickie's, Jon was just getting home from school. He went straight for Mickie's room because he knew the rock had been missing since this morning and Mickie was the only one who could have it.

As Jon burst into Mickie's room "OK,sis where is the rock?" demanded Jon.

Mickie just smiled, Jon had called her sis. "My dear brother, I put it back were I got it from" smiled Mickie.

"why did you take it, and did you happen to wish for anything today?" Jon said with a scared look on his face.

"I took it for a class project and I wished to be Mickie with an ie, instead of an ey" smiled Mickie.

Jon stumbled back "you mean you were a boy, my brother, not my sister"

"yup, and I made a good wish too, I love being a girl" Mickie said.

"Oh, man" Jon said as he ran to his room to get the rock.

"OH, Sis you better come in here, the rock isn't here, where exactly did you put it" Jon exclaimed.

Mickie went running into Jon's room "I put it back right where I got it from"

"well it's gone, you better figure out where it went" Jon demanded

"Dee must have it, he was the only other person in here" Mickie said.

"You mean that sissy boyfriend of yours, OH MAN, well let's get over there and get it back" as Jon grabbed his jacket. Jon and Mickie ran out the door headed for Dee's house.

While back at Dee's house, he was up in his room brushing his hair, when his sister SARAH barged in. "Hay sissy boy, why didn't you clean my room when you got home, do you want me to pound you".

Sarah was meaner than the original Fred Orr and she hated everyone especially Jon and Karyn.

"I'm sorry sis, I'll get right on it" Dee said as he ran out to Sarah' room to get to work, when a knock came at the door.

"Dee get the door, answering the door is a sissy's job" Sarah yelled.

Dee went down and let Jon and Mickie in. "Mickie what are you doing here" Dee asked.

"We came for the rock" Jon stepped in "It's mine and I really need it back, now"

"What rock and why is it so important, Jonnie dear" Sarah asked as she overheard the wimps talking.

"none of your business Sarah, stay out of this" Jon Yelled back

"Ya right, what ever that sissy brother has belongs to me, I own everything of his" Sarah exclaimed.

Dee ran upstairs and brought the rock back down and when he went to hand it to Jon, Sarah snatched it up "HMMM, this must be pretty important for you to even have come over here Jon, what's the deal"

"Give it to me, Sarah, it's not yours and you could get hurt or hurt others with that" Jon said as he realized he just gave Sarah a big clue.

"what do you mean hurt myself or others, jonnie honey" Sarah said with a smirk.

Jon lunged at Sarah trying to grab the rock. As Sarah backed away, Jon missed. "Boy, I wish you hadn't done that" Sarah said as the rock glowed and a flash of light, Jon was standing back where he started from. Sarah looked in shock "Wow, that was pretty cool, how did that happen" Sarah asked. Jon just stood there knowing she would find out sooner or later. "It's a wishing rock" Jon said while hanging his head.

"A what, wishing rock, the possibilities are endless" Sarah said as she smiled the most evil smile "let's try this thing out, I wish Jon to have C-cup breasts"

The rock glowed and in a flash of light Jon was standing there with his shirt popped up like a tent. "Sarah stop, you can't do this, that rock is way to powerful, stop" Jon screamed as he looked down. Sarah just laughed. Mickie and Dee started to slowly step back to get out of there.

"OH, You guys aren't going anywhere, I wish Jon, Freddie and Mickie would stay here with me until I release them" Sarah spit out. They all froze and couldn't move. "OH, is this going to be fun" Sarah laughed "I wish Freddie my dear brother to be my maid and dress accordingly". Dee's clothes started to change into a short, black & white, lacy french maids outfit. "we madame, you wish I clean your room" Dee looked in shock as a french accent came out of her mouth. Sarah was laughing so hard "go clean my room up, now". Dee ran upstairs and you could here him working.

"Now for my little Mickie, oh what to do with such a pretty little thing" Sarah said as she gazed at Mickie. "I got it, I wish Mickie to become a manish looking, lesbian, cunt hound, who is constantly horny" Sarah laughed as she finished her wish. Mickie's pretty hair became crew cut short, her clothes changed to flannel and jeans, and she bulked up with a lot of muscle. "Sarah stop, no" came out of Mickie's mouth in a deep male voice. Mickie began to get wet between her legs as she stood there staring at Sarah's crotch. "Mickie your released, now go home and have a great life" Sarah said with an evil look. Mickie turned and ran out the door, crying all the way home.

"Jon, Honey I saved the best for last. I wish Jon to come over here and kiss me passionately". Jon couldn't help himself as hard as he fought, he found himself kissing Sarah like she was everything to him. "Oh Jon you kiss pretty good, but, I think we can help you do better, I wish Jon to have big, pouty, sexy lips, the kind of lips found only on whores and that he must keep lipstick on them at all times". Jon licked his lips and could taste the lipstick, he knew this was bad. "Oh Jon, that's much better, but, the lips and lipstick kind of look out of place on that face, I wish Jon to have a very pretty face with high cheekbones, extra long lashes, big pretty green eyes, thin arched eyebrows and that Jon must always wear makeup and never go without it" Jon could feel his face rearranging. "Please Sarah stop before it's to late and I can't be Jon anymore" Jon cried. "Oh Jonnie it is to late, you should see yourself with that nice rack, pretty face and lush lips, I wish Jon only knew himself as Joannie and can never say the name Jon ever again, when asked his name he must reply Joannie" Sarah said with a laugh. "what's your name honey" Sarah asked. "My name is Jo... Jo.... J... Joooannnieeee.. Joannie" Jon said as he started to tear up.

"Oh, I think only little girls cry, I wish Joannie/Jon to be wearing a pink lacy dress, just like the little girls do". Jon looked down at his clothes as the turned into the pink dress. "I'm having so much fun, aren't you Joannie, you look so cute in that dress, I think I might keep you like that, I wish Joannie/Jon could only wear dresses ever and never be able to put on pants again". Jon just looked defeated, he thought "what's the worst she can do to me".

"those legs and arms just don't match your pink dress, I wish Joannie/Jon to have the sexiest female legs, the kind that go all the way up and that they will never have hair on them and that his toes are always painted with polish and that his feet arch up, so that he will not be able to walk without high heels on, turning his shoes into 5" black leather heels and make his arms and hands extremely feminine with no hair and long manicured nails that will be painted always, also as an added touch, make him wear jewlery lots of it and never go without it, rings, bracelets, necklaces, lets see how you look now honey".

Jon just looked down at himself, shocked at everything "Sarah please stop, I don't want to be like this, I'm a guy, please Sarah".

"but I"m not done yet, we are just getting warmed up, when I'm done with you your stupid bitch girlfriend Karyn won't want anything to do with you" Sarah said with great hatred. "I wish for Jon/Joannie to be more goth, polish, lipstick, mascara and eyeshadow are to be black, his hair is to be straight black and down to his butt, Oh ya, the butt, make it unmistakably feminine, cute, and round. change his pink dress into black leather. Pierce his ears 4 times in each ear, pierce his belly button, tongue, eyebrow, nipples and penis. Give him black tattoos around his ankle, wrist, neck and a nice gothic tattoo on his hip, OH ya, the hips, make them wide, child bearing wide, wide enough so that he will never fit into boys clothes ever again. What do you think Joannie are you pretty enough yet?"

Jon felt the pain of all the piercings, watched as his hips grew and felt the long hair touching his forever girl butt. "OH GOD Sarah, Please I beg you, I will do anything, Just stop" Jon cried to Sarah.

"Oh honey, there is still a chance that Karyn might accept you and all this would be for nothing and besides you will do anything now, watch, I wish Joannie/Jon to have a 2 foot long penis and that as soon as he see's another cock, his will become rock hard and will not soften until he drinks cum from a penis, try that one on" Sarah said laughing "OH Dee, could you come down here for a minute".

Jon's eyes opened wide as he couldn't believe what was about to happen to him, "I'm going to fight this this can't be happening" as he looked down and saw his 2 foot limp cock hanging out from under his dress.

"Yes, madame may I be of service" Dee said as he stepped into the room.

"lift your dress and pull down your panties, show us your equipment"

"Yes Madame" as Dee complied. As soon as his penis popped into view, Jon's penis became rock hard, standing at attention, Jon's mouth began to water and his penis needed relief quick.

"See Joannie, I can control everything about you, You are free to service Dee now". Jon saw this as his chance to get away, but, all he could do is thirst for cum, he tried with everthing in him to turn and run, but, he couldn't take his eyes off Dee's cock. He went over to Dee and dropped to his knees and slid her penis into his mouth. All he could do was moan and suck, until Dee exploded into his mouth. Jon felt some relief when his cock went limp, but, when he went to stand up he glanced down at Dee's cock and he instantly was rock hard again and needed Dee again. He dropped back to his knees and started to work again. Dee exploded a second time and again Jon's cock went limp. This time Jon closed his eyes as he stood up.

Sarah was laughing "Gee Joannie, kind of tough situation your in, HUH. Dee rub your cock on Joannie until she looks down at you". Dee went over to Jon and started rubbing, Jon kept screaming "No, stop it, I won't look". After a few minutes Jon couldn't help himself and gazed at Dee's penis and when he did it started all over again.

"Now for the finishing touches, Joannie. I wish that Joannie/Jon's mind was completely male, hated everthing femme, hated everything gay and had a major craving for pretty girls, but, ever time you look at a girl or think about a girl your breasts, hips, ass, hair, and nails will grow slightly and your waist will slim, but, if you think of boys or look at boys in a sexual way, you will become a little less feminine. That way someday you just might make it back to manhood, eventhough by the time you get there your mind will be so screwed up you won't know if your a boy or a girl."

"Your released to go home now, have a great life and I'll be checking up on you to see your progress so remember, be careful what you think dear." Sarah laughed as Joannie ran out the door. "Now that Jon is taken care of it's time for that Karyn bitch" Sarah grabbed her jacket and headed out the door to find Karyn............

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