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13. Karen! Please stop what your..

12. Not Gay?

11. Breaking an Intering

10. Elseware

9. Uh Oh

8. Things Get Worse

7. Karyn to the...rescue?

6. Karyn decks Sarah!

5. Guess who Dee's sister is?

4. Dee and Mickie talk...

3. Freddie & Micki you're so cute

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Karen thinks she's helping...

on 2002-02-02 21:45:24

1122 hits, 108 views, 1 upvotes.

Body Swap MC Musc Super TF Unaware

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Karen had arived back home by now. Her memories of her former boyfriend Jon were now those of a vulgar, goth-punk she-male with a cock the size of her fore-arm and an uncontrollable craving for dick. She had no idea how such a terrible creature as 'Jonnie' had ever gotten her hands on such a thing as a 'Wishing Stone'...but she knew she'd better keep her from ever getting it back.

She'd already wished away her cock, thus makeing her a normal girl. She felt uncomfortable with making any real changes in her personality. Since she loved all that 'Goth' stuff so much Karen didn't feel she had the right to change it. But...she could atleast make her somewhat more...normal.

First...she wished that Jonnies current sexual desires would be only for men. That way...she wouldn't be wanting to get into her pants all the time.

Meanwhile...back in the motel room. Jonnie could feel something in her/his head...a sudden...

Why had he ever wanted woman in the first place? Men were so hot! So sexy! How could he ever think that mere...girls could compete with a mans unique perfection?

Wait! Karen's using that damned stone! She was wishing! He had to get to a phone and beg her to stop!

He started to reach for the phone...but the sight of another cock drove the idea out of his mind. This time there was no feeling of violation. As he wrapped his lips around the cops cock he felt blissfully happy. It was so wonderful...and best of all...sooooo tasty!

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