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27. Learning about Giant country

26. A big problem

25. Andrew gets stuck

24. Retake on rabbit tricks

23. Talking to the changed

22. Wings examined

21. A cup of tea to relax

20. Small accident with the car

19. MIST: Biff Gets some counselli

18. Jon offers an olive branch...

17. differences of experiences

16. Mist: Meeting the new class

15. Mist: First day in class

14. MYST: Biff's back

13. MYST: Biff's new life

12. MYST: The young Harpy

11. A neighbor comes calling...

10. Biff returns home, no sign of

9. MYST: Sphinx standoff

8. MYST: Another fine wish

Mist: Home of the Giants

on 2018-12-24 17:34:14

1357 hits, 78 views, 3 upvotes.

Animal Anthro Inanimate TF Unaware

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So… all things concerned it could be worse.

Andrew had gone from being in a strange world, to turning into a snake-girl still working out how to sliver and now she was… in a giant girl’s kitchen.

The giant-girl looked to be an older teenager. She guessed about fifteen, maybe fourteen. An age where she was brimming with all the excitement of youth and didn’t know her strength. A hand grasping along Andrew’s new serpentine tail giving it a new tug every which way.

“Ow- please stop!” It wasn’t just the pain of being pulled by her animal-like parts that was annoying. The fact that being tugged like this at all reminded her of her new body and how… ‘slinky’ it was. She didn’t like the sensations it gave at all.

“You’re so cute! Want to be my pet?” The giant woman asked curiously. “It’s pretty dangerous out there. We could have a lot of fun! I’ll ask mom and dad.”

“I’m not cute!” Andrew hissed finally, letting some of her tongue and tiny fangs out. “Can you even hear me? Please stop it! I’m just- hey where are you taking me!” The room was a sudden blur of motion as she was set down on a table.

At this point someone else came into the room, with the sudden approach came vibrations along the surface and the sound of huge footsteps. It seemed to be a giant… woman? She looked a lot like the girl, only older. Perhaps her mother? She was dressed in fairly ordinary clothes despite being so huge. Not by what one might consider ‘modern’ clothes, they were fairly simple but had a flare of elegance about them. “Talara? What are you doing? Put her down this instant young lady!”

“Eep- Yes mom,” The giant girl blushed setting Andrew down. “She’s so cute though. I wanted to show her my room and be my pet!”

“You know you have to ask them first nicely, your father isn’t exactly happy when you do this either” the older woman shook her head. “I do apologise miss, my daughter has had quite the collection of your sized folk over the centuries,” the woman smiled sitting down on the table.

Andrew was still stunned. The woman was huge… she was just the size of a worm to her- probably looked like one too. She coiled her tail a bit closer, thinking it might help her get away faster. “Uh- I- um-”

“What’s your name?” She asked her curiously.

“A-Anne...” Andrew sighed. For some reason she still couldn’t call herself by her real name here. It was confusing and very annoying.

“Well Anne, my name is Ama’kari. You’ve met my daughter Talara.” She gestured to her giant daughter who was still looking with annoyance folding her arms. The giant woman shook her head. “Again, I must apologise. She’s still only at the first quarter of her third century. You would think it was her second!” She laughed mirthfully.

Andrew breathed slowly. “So.. you’re.. friendly giants?”

“Ha! Well as friendly as most people would be,” The woman said with a shrug. “What brings you to our humble abode? Don’t you have an entourage?”

“A what?”

“You’re in giant country silly! It’s quite dangerous out there at your size” The woman sighed. “Well, I say giant but- it’s a bit more complicated then that. Animal folk that come here, take on the size of that animal. You’re a snake-girl right, so you take the size of a snake. More or less anyway. We’re the size of… oh what were they called- humans!” She smiled. “Since that’s what we look like here.”

“I’m a snake girl-” Anne paused. She had meant to say human. “I mean- I’m a- s..s...snake girl!” She looked angrily at herself. “What’s wrong with me! Why can’t I say what I was!”

Talara the younger daughter looked at Anne. “Ohh.. you don’t know about… that,” she put a hand on her lips. “You must be from really far away.”

“Know about what?” Demanded Anne. “I don’t have my real name, I can’t say what I was, I’m as confused as can be and I just want to go home!” She sniffled and cried. “I’m not even supposed to be here.”

“Calm down, there there little one,” Ama’kari patted her head. “You’re not from this world I take it?”

“No… I mean- I didn’t even know I was in another world...”

The giant woman nodded. “I suppose it must be confusing… well.. how best to explain it...” She put a hand on her cheek. “I am no wizard exactly, but when you live as long as the mountains you learn a few things. The first thing to understand is… that you are technically not in another world. All worlds are the same world… and they are able to influence the other. Some in tiny ways, other’s in big ways.”

Andrew tried to understand it. This seemed against every sci-fi show he ever watched. It didn’t make any sense. Was he in another world or not? “So… where am I?”

“Well… think of it as another version of your world on an axis. There are an infinite number of Axis, and they go in infinite directions outward until… until you reach infinite worlds where… well… I suppose you’ll have to go there to work out what lies beyond the beyond but that’s what’s out there.”

“You sure you don’t want to stay here and be my pet?” Talara asked again.

“No I don’t want to be your pet!” Anne hissed. “I’m going home.”

“Well, going home should be easy enough. Just go back the way you came.”

“We tried, but.. I was too big. I mean- I wasn’t too big when I came through it the first time, but now I am too big and the portal’s too small.”

“Oh… well… that ‘is’ a problem,” The giant sighed. “Maybe my husband can help. He knows more about this. Until then, why not simply set yourself at home.”

Talara grinned. “We can have fun! I’ll get my doll clothes for her.”

“Can you see her?” Alice the Rabbit asked nervously. She had gone as far as she could around the house. She had holed up in the giant’s garden patch. Anxiously she watched Mikey take a better look around to get their friend back.

Mikey puffed exhausted as she landed with a flutter of her wings. “I flew around the house. I can’t see them, there’s curtains in the way.” She was not used to flying like this. Actually she wasn’t used to flying at all. It was actually fun before she had to work! The young harpy-girl took a moment to rest her wings before deciding their next plan. “What will those giants do to her?”

“Dunno,” Alice cringed at the idea of it. The worst possibility... “You don’t think they’ll...”

“Will the giant’s… eat her?” The words from Mikey hanged in the air. She heard of those stories… just… silly stories right?

“Sunset must be coming soon, it’s getting dark...” Alice thought quietly at the encroaching shadows around them. It wouldn’t be long.. then they could try and get her out. If they didn’t… do anything to her.

Mikey blinked looking behind her. “… Alice, that’s not the sun setting.”

A huge head suddenly looked down upon them from several stories high. A long beard trailed down the floor almost like a carpet. “Well hello!” He roared. “Eat you? Now why would we do that?” The voice hinted at a slightly Scottish accent- if that were even possible.

Mikey let out a very girlish eep as she fluttered her wings. She fluttered and flew several times her own height… yet only made it to half way up the huge giant’s leg. This giant wasn’t just big, he was enormous. A Titan!

The giant held out his hand in concern as he realised how young these intruders in his garden were. “Hm, children? Oh dear, where are your parents?” He looked with great concern and perhaps caution. “Is nobody taking care of you young ones? You must have guardians with you?” His voice was… stoic one might say. A voice that sounded as old as any yet with a body that had vibrant energy. Still he seemed very kindly.

“We’re- We’re trying to get back to them,” Mikey explained.

“Ah… good. Well then, I’ll leave you be.” The giant started to walk back to the house.

“Uh...” Mikey glanced back to Alice and tried to wave at the giant. “Wait!” She called out.

“Hm? Yes little bird?” The giant asked turning curiously again.

“Can we… get some help?” She asked. “We’re lost.”

“Oh.. We can’t really house you here.”

“No I mean- look we’re really lost.”

“Lost eh.. hm.. What’s be your names?” The giant asked running a hand across his beard.

“I’m Mikey, and this is Alice.” She gestured to the rabbit-girl with her wing.

“Hm.. Ye can call me… Oro...” He grinned as he sat himself down on the grass. It didn’t do a lot to help his imposing size, but at least he looked more relaxed to them. “What brings young travellers as you here? Not running away are you? Tis a dangerous place to run away to you know.”

Alice’s ears gave a slight twitch outward. “Dangerous? What’s out there?”

“Plenty nasty things come out a’night miss,” The Giant responded. “So what are you, playing to have an adventure?”

“No...” Mikey decided they could trust him. “It’s just... our friend is inside.”

“Oh, another of you is there?… well, best come in then. Have a cup of tea, and we’ll see if we can help you out...”

At hime, Miss Collins placed a bowl of soup for Biff as before on a towel on the floor. It was the only way she could think of to serve the young Sphinx along with some bread and other vegetables on the side. Biff’s body wasn’t designed to sit in chairs and her stomach probably needed a bit more meat. The fact that she had attempted to use a car today irked her somewhat and she wasn’t sure what to say to her. Thank goodness no harm was done and Biff seemed to have learned her lesson. She didn’t want to tell her she couldn’t do certain things any more…

Biff came in sheepishly, walking into the kitchen like a lion in a den. Her tail slinking and giving away that something was on her mind. Though what, was anyone’s guess. Collins smiled to her friendly as ever. “Come in dear, I made you some meat-soup. I read that it should do well for your lion-like body.” She had been reading a lot about lions of late.

“Lion.. body,” Biff sighed. “I almost wish it was. It’s the body of a lioness.” She slumped down and quietly lapped at the soup. It was warm… welcoming. She gave an uneasy smile to Collins not really sure what to think any more but certainly glad for her presence and giving her all this. She didn’t even want to go to school any more. Not if she couldn’t even be on the football team.

Collins gave Biff a pat on her head. There was a tenderness to it that caused Biff to be somewhat unguarded against. Her surprised look quickly hidden as she ate the soup.

“So, how was your day?”

“Okay… I guess,” Biff admitted. “I’m… just wondering who’s going to replace me in the team.”

“Hm...” Collins looked sympathetically. “They won’t let you play?”

“… no.” Biff growled. “I’m not going to beg about it either. I can’t play like this. It’s true.”

Collins gave a sympathetic look. “Well… I don’t know about the rules but… I suppose playing football could be difficult. You might have too many unfair advantages,” she said trying to cheer her up.

“Heh… if I played dirty sure.” Biff shrugged. She knew she was strong, stronger then most humans. In a fight she could take anyone down. “They.. made it more that I was a freak with four legs and a girl.” She scratched slightly at the side of her body. Weird… she felt kinda itchy. She ignored it and ate the bread and soup. “… I can’t … do anything can I. I can’t drive… can’t play on my team… can’t even play the guitar.” Biff spoke it matter of factly. She didn’t want Collins to feel sorry for her. She just… wanted to accept it for herself. “

Miss Collins hummed at that, her own fox tail swishing. “I think you could adjust with the guitar if you want to.” She quickly explained. “There are techniques you can use.”

“… that’s not even the worst of it.” Biff growled recalling the… feelings she had.

Miss Collins looked to her patiently. “Want to talk about it?” She asked.

Biff didn’t realise she had stopped eating. She was just… staring. Staring at what her life was going to be. She knew… she knew she was just a nudge away from a complete breakdown. She didn’t want to go through that though in front of the only person that showed her any kindness. Neither did she want to talk about it.

“You don’t have to… if you don’t want to.” Collins tried to pry a little further. “If it helps I’m here.”

“… I don’t think… you could understand even if I explained it,” Biff closed her eyes. “I… I had a girlfriend you know.”


“Yeah… I love her,” Biff explained. “She doesn’t… like me any more.”

“That’s pretty harsh,” Collins regarded the young sphinx. “Does she really not like you any more?”

“… not in… that way.”

“so she does like you?” The fox woman asked delicately. “Biff… what you’ve gone though… you can’t really expect the impossible of someone can you?”

“,” Biff admitted. “If she can’t be happy with me… I … I wouldn’t want her to be unhappy. The thing is-” She clenched he jaw. “I know I love her but...” she glanced down at herself. “Feels.. different.”

“Oh...” Collins nodded at that. “I suppose it would.” she gave the sphinx girl a quick scratch on her ears. “It worries you?”

“Yes it worries me!” Biff suddenly cried out. “I- I’m worried that I might-” she just couldn’t say it. She never would say it. “My body feels… different when I think about some stuff- but I don’t want to feel…”

Collins looked at her deeply conflicted eyes. “I’m afraid Biff… biology is something that can’t always be helped. When I turned into a fox-girl I went through a.. rather embarrassing situation of sorts in my teenage years too,” she cleared her throat. “Heat cycles caught me by surprise. I was… suddenly rather amorous to someone I really didn’t want to be.” She cringed at that. “Fortunately he was a lot more level headed then I was.” she rubbed the back of her head embarrassed.

“W-Will I.. get these heat.. cycles...” Biff asked nervously

Collins shrugged. “I don’t really know. The best thing to do is to look out for the symptoms.”

“W-What would they be?”

“Mmm… unintended thoughts on guys, rising flush and body temperature, a bit of a bad itch now and then...”

Biff raised her eyes at that. She felt that itch again… and was now doing everything possible to not give in to it. She had displayed every single one of those symptoms! She had thought of Jon, saw strange things on her computer make her feel flush- and now she was itchy!

“I’ll clear away the table. You should be doing your homework now.”

Yeah… homework.”

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