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3. Jon tries to return some order

2. Jon becomes... everyone

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon tries to return some order to the town.

on 2019-01-03 19:30:15

3238 hits, 225 views, 2 upvotes.

Magic Myth SciFi Super

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"This shit isn't going to work." Jon sat in his room and thought for a while. He could her the rest of his "family" arguing in another room. Jon knew that he needed to wish for some order or his town might fall apart. What if he is now every doctor and nurse? Jon didn't know how to drive, how was everyone going to get food at water?

He tried to unwish the wish, but that didn't work. "How about this. I wish that everyone in town had their old skills, knowledge and interests." Jon felt the stone activate but he couldn't tell if his wish worked. He already had is old skills, knowledge and interests.

"You piece of shit! What did you do now?" Jon's mother yelled as she barged into his room, her bare chest still exposed from earlier.

"What? I'm trying to fix everything" he responded.

"Asshole! How does making me want to fuck my father going to fix anything?!" his mother screamed, her face was twisted into a scowl. She looked equal parts furious and embarrassed.

Jon laughed out loud. He didn't consider that possibility when he made his wish, but it made some sense. "Get used to it. Mom. If everyone is going to be stuck like this, they might as well stick to their old lives as much as possible."

"Yeah, easy for you to say. You didn't have a penis inside of you a few minutes ago!" Jon's mother slammed his door and stormed away. Jon had to use every once of his self control to stop himself from laughing.

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