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6. Learning a few things about ea

5. Sally's husband stumbles into

4. Late that night

3. Her son and daughter

2. A frustrated woman

1. Altered Fates

Learning a few things about each other

on 2019-01-04 21:30:06

2160 hits, 131 views, 4 upvotes.

Age MC Musc Omni Part Swap SciFi TF Unaware

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“I probably deserve this” Sally said to herself as she stared through a mirror at her now distinctly male chest. Behind her, she heard the sounds of Mike giggling to himself as he rolled around the floor and played with his now distinctively female chest. Sally didn’t know how much Mike comprehended their situation. The Medallion switched their forms but it left Mike with a night’s worth of alcohol in his stomach. Through the bathroom door, Sally could see Mike literally tying knots in his long brunette hair.

Sally was upset with what she saw in the mirror, but not for the reasons she expected. Looking back at her was a shirtless Mike with his perfectly unkempt hair, a two day old beard, and a childish pair of lime green sweatpants that were clearly made to highlight more, well, feminine assets. Next to her, Sally left her old sweatshirt in a tattered pile. It wasn’t quite elastic enough to handle her new body. The look of Mike in the mirror was awkward, but it was a look that Sally absolutely adored. The thought of this sight would typically be enough to keep her thoroughly entertained as she laid in bed but it was doing absolutely nothing for her current body. Every few minutes, she pulled open the elastic waistband of her sweatpants and stared at her new penis. She wrapped her hand around it and rubbed it like she had seen Mike do countless times, but it barely responded. She felt the sensation of fingers on her new crotch, but she might as well have been stroking the back of her arm, it just felt like someone was rubbing their fingers on normal skin. Having a penis was nowhere near as much fun as she expected.

After a spending a half-hour in her bathroom attempting and failing to get her husband’s dick up, go figure, she walked back into her bedroom. Mike was laying chest down on the floor, a small line of drool falling from the side of his mouth into a tuft of his new hair. Sally was used to people calling her childish, but she imagined she usually looked a bit more mature than Mike did. He was still dressed from head to toe in his work clothes, which made him look like the test subject for a shrink ray.

Sally was a short woman, almost exactly a foot shorter than her husband at 4’ 10’’. Her mother and father always teased her for looking like a kid. Mike did too, before he stopped talking about her looks altogether. The only saving grace about her height, was the fact that it made her breasts look bigger than they really were. Her breasts fit into a C or D cup, depending on who manufactured the bra, and she was always had fun showing off just a little bit of skin with when walking in public. She gravitated towards tighter fitting clothes with soft fabrics or interesting designs. However, whenever she found a shirt that fit those criteria and had a just slightly lower than usual neckline, she jumped at the opportunity to buy it. She wanted to look cool and respectable but still clearly a woman’s woman. She liked catching guys making sly glances chest, nothing too overt, the slier the better.

There was nothing feminine about Mike’s getup. He looked like a toddler pretending to be a businessman for Halloween. If Sally hadn’t spent every day of her waking life with Mike’s boobs physically attached to her chest, she would have guessed that he didn’t have any. His ruffled, three times too large business suit made it impossible for Sally to see what her body looked like from the third person.

She walked up to the sleeping Mike and braced herself before reaching down to pick him up. To her surprise, her old body felt like a duffel bag in her new masculine arms. Now that she thought about it, she usually weighed around 100 to 112 pounds and one of Mike’s favorite pastimes was locking himself in their basement gym for hours. Not that she had every reason to complain, the sight of Mike walking into their room with sweat dripping down his muscular chest and arms was something Sally was lived for. Each time he left the gym to join her, she would focus herself and try to burn the image of her sweaty husband into her mind for later.

Sally walked her old body to the bed with ease. The sight of her old face instinctively burying itself into their pillows made Sally’s heart skip a beat. It was like watching a cat or a young child trying to get comfortable

“Come to bed” Mike mumbled in Sally’s voice. It almost sounded like he was trying to be cute. He took his long petite arm and slapped the empty covers next to him, not once opening his eyes to look at Sally.

Sally sat down on the bed, the side Mike usually slept on. “Do you want any help getting undressed?”

“Whatever. Do what you want.” She said as he buried his face as far into a pillow as he could.

Sally slowly unbuttoned Mike’s work clothes to reveal her beautifully pale breasts. The sight of them sent shivers down Sally’s skin. Acting on pure impulse, she leaned her face toward her old breasts and gave one of them a wet kiss. She could feel Mike's short mustache poke slightly into her lips.

“Hmmmmm. More…” Mike turned over onto his back and stretched backwards, perfectly exposing his breasts through his partially unbuttoned shirt.

Sally hesitated for a moment. She felt like a sleazeball touching someone else sensually like this. Mike was the the only person she ever touched this way and while it was still technically Mike laying next to her, it definitely didn’t feel like Mike. Sally bit her lip and closed her eyes. She ran her hand into Mike’s exposed shirt and started to rub her masculine hand across Mike’s right breast.

“Woah, WOAH!” Mike’s eyes shot wide open. “Don’t stop!”

“I don’t think you understand what’s happening”

“I don’t care! Don’t! Stop!”

Sally ran her other hand into Mike’s shirt. This time she massaged both of his breasts. First she ran her hands back and forth across the entirety of Mike's chest, then she slowly gravitated towards his nipples, were she slowly massaged them, careful not to be aggressive.

With a groggy, still half asleep voice, Mike mumbled, “I don't care what’s happening or what you did. I think this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. Please, you have my permission to do whatever you want. I don’t want this to end!”

Sally was taken back by this. Something deep down inside told her that she couldn’t stop now. Maybe it was the new hormones that coursed through her skin She looked down to see that her previously flaccid penis was not painfully erect, constricted by the female sweatpants Sally probably should have removed a while ago.

Mike turned over it bed and reached his hand out towards Sally’s penis. Unlike before, Sally could now feel every small sensation in her new dick. The two of them stripped away their clothes faster than they had ever done before. Without a moment of thought or hesitation Sally pushed Mike down to their bed and got into a position she expected would make sex easier. Meanwhile, Mike was rubbing his right breast in one hand and his new cliterus in the other. He pulled his fingers away to see a thin line of clear slime like fluid strung between his fingers and his vagina.

“If you aren’t inside me in the next minute, I think I’m going to scream! I think you’re my husband, so saddle up and fuck the shit out of me!” The look in Mike’s eye was that of pure, unadulterated lost. “Please, I love you so much!”

Sally thrusted herself into Mike with as much force as she could manage. The sound of Mike’s voice triggered something deep and primal within her. She had never seem Mike so vulnerable. Every ounce of Sally’s being wanted to embrace Mike’s body until it hurt. She didn’t want anything bad to happened to Mike ever again, and the testosterone coursing through her veins convinced her that she was willing to kill any man who threatened Mike. Mike immediately let out a scream, but it wasn’t an unpleasant scream. With each thrust, Mike let out a louder and louder moan. “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck Me” OHHHHHHH, Ohhh, FUCK, I love you so much! So much!” A tear fell across the side of his cheek.

Sally paused for a second to wrap her arms around Mike. The feeling of Mike's chest against hers and the musky but femininely sweet smell of her old body made Sally feel warm inside and it caused her still erect penis to switch inside Mike. She kissed him on the side of the neck and squeezed him tightly in her masculine arms. “I want to divorce you just so I can marry you again! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please don’t leave me.”

Mike took a moment to recover his breath then squeezed Sally back. “I promise you, I’m not going anywhere."

They both laid in bed and basked in the glow of the best love session of their entire lives. However, the calm atmosphere crumbled when Sally realized that the sun was currently rising outside their bedroom window. Any minute now, their children were going to wake up to the surprise of their lives. .

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