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2. Cursed magical game, already i

1. The Drafting Board

Cursed magical game, already in progress

on 2018-03-06 04:38:39

1485 hits, 99 views, 2 upvotes.

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It was a dark and stormy night when a group of friends decided to play a board game. The kind of game you’d find in a weird shop that wasn’t there earlier. The kind that holds ancient and powerful magic aimed to unleash hijinks and chaos at innocent mortals.

“One, two, three, four, five” Jill pointed and counted with one of her four scaly hands “You need five, Sssssssssusan.” Feeling wobbly, she rested on her tail which coiled around the attic, creating a circle around her friends.

David the centauress was staring at the board. They were playing what seemed like hours, transforming again and again and again. Frankly, he… She was sick of it after her first turn, when her legs turned to tentacles with a mind of their own. She just wanted to be in bed, laying on her… his back and sleep for at least a week.

Sophie flew a couple of feet up in the air to get a better view. “Come on Sue, anything but a three.” said the tiny fairy “If you’ll land on a red space, again, you’ll go right to the start, again, and we’ll never go back to normal!” A faint purple glow was emanating from her, indicating her frustration. She flew just above the center of the board, pointing at the center square “At least a five, anything but a three!”

The red slug girl was shaking the pair of dice who kept sticking to her short slimy hands. With a bit of force she threw the dice on the board, along with a few drops of icky slime.

“SEVEN!” the group cheered as Susan’s piece moved itself towards the center square. Both the square and the little figurine who looked like she used to were pulsing a bright green light.

“Go on, make a wish” said David.

Susan looked at the board, then at her friends and smiled. “I wish…”

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