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7. Locker (cont.)

6. Locker

5. Out of the classroom

4. Onward and upward to second pe

3. Revelation

2. what tomorrow brings

1. You Are What You Wish

Locker (cont.)

avatar on 2019-01-11 18:28:08
Episode last modified by TheScienceWizard on 2019-01-11 18:29:36

3017 hits, 226 views, 2 upvotes.

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Oh that's not good he thought to himself, scanning the contents of the locker.
His hoodie and backpack were still present, along with his math and history textbooks.
But below them were Ashley's english and geography textbooks and a pink gym bag.
Moving the back out of the way, there was a pair of black heel-less pumps, some white tights, and a black and white pleated plaid skirt.

Crap thought Jon, catching sight of the inside of the door.
The lower half now featuring some polaroids Ashley had take with friends, Ashley having been replaced by Jon in them.
Looking closer, he noticed that despite each photo only having him and at most 2 others, they were framed for many more people.
"I hope it hasn't changed my friends too much..." he muttered to himself, before letting out a sigh of relief, seeing that Karyn was present in most of the photos.

His timetable was still pinned to the middle of the door. Though on closer inspection it had been spliced with Ashley's too.
Reading through Tuesday, he saw he still had math next, but 4th period was now gym again, 5th was geography, and 6th was english.
"Double crap" Jon cursed his luck, "It better not be swim day...". Grabbing the gym bag and sliding it open revealed to Jon's relief a white t-shirt, a pair of teal shorts, some white trainer socks, and a pair of pink trainers.

Dropping the gym bag back in his locker, he pondered changing into Ashley's spare clothes, but reasoned he'd get less awkward comments about changing if he endured until after gym.

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