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10. Gym class

9. Through Third and onto Fourth

8. Back to the Classroom

7. Locker (cont.)

6. Locker

5. Out of the classroom

4. Onward and upward to second pe

3. Revelation

2. what tomorrow brings

1. You Are What You Wish

Gym class

avatar on 2019-01-17 08:45:36
Episode last modified by TheScienceWizard on 2019-01-17 08:46:07

2710 hits, 223 views, 2 upvotes.

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The change of footwear made the journey to the gym slightly more manageable, though the increased speed he could now walk brought on extra jiggling.
Pushing the sensations to the back of his mind, Jon quickly reached the gym locker rooms.
Reaching for the handle to the male room, he paused, a sudden awkward realisation dawning on him.
Which locker room do I use
I used the male bathroom earlier, why would it change now
Though I am on Ashley's timetable now...

Pondering the thought back and forth, he decided it best to use the male lockers, if he was wrong it would be very awkward, though he'd get in much less trouble if he used the female lockers and wasn't supposed to.
Resigning himself to his choice, taking a calming breath, he stepped into the male locker room.

"Nice of you to join us nerd" shouted Josh, to the laughter of the surrounding jocks.
Jon tried his best to ignore the barrage of insults, mostly the regular, but with the occasional "slut" now thrown in for good measure.
Setting the gym back down on the corner bench, as far away from the jocks as he could get, Jon mentally prepared himself.
With a sigh he slipped off the pumps and placed them on the bench, reaching into the bag and removed the gym clothes, slotting the pumps in under the skirt and tights.
As Jon began to slide off the miniskirt, it felt as if all the eyes in the room were suddenly on him. Looking around, he could see this wasn't true, but nonetheless the feeling of exposure and vulnerability was there to stay.
Fast as he could, he slipped off the miniskirt, and 'equipped' the teal shorts. Not until wearing them did Jon realise how snug they were, gripping to the curve of Ashley's ample rump, they were short and almost form-fitting, leaving very little to the imagination.
great... thought Jon, this was going to be an experience, if he didn't die of embarrassment first.
Hastily Jon finished equipping his (and Ashley's) gym clothes, then headed out to the class.

Basketball! Shouted coach Williamson, hurling a ball at the jocks.
"Why did it have to be basketball" grumbled Jon.
"Everyone get lined up!" barked the coach. "Two teams, Josh and Chad are the captains, If I call your name, you're on Josh's team! You all got that!?"
The coach started listing off names, "Stephens! McCormick! Henderson! Miller!" the coach paused, "Miller!"
"Earth to Jon!" he barked, "Get your ass onto Josh's team!"
Shit, do I have her surname now too!? winced Jon, making his way to Josh's group.

Gym wasn't any different to what he usually had to deal with, but the thought of his name changing was weighing on his mind, the jiggle from every jump bringing the situation back to focus.
Before Jon knew it gym was over, he'd survived. But on the walk back to the locker room he swore he saw Jay reach for his butt, putting him on-edge.

Tucking himself into the corner of the locker room, Jon waited for the majority to leave, not wanting to risk being groped by Jay or his friends.
Stripping off the gym clothes, Jon tipped out the bag and grabbed the tights. They slipped on with ease, the soft fabric clinging to Ashley's figure.
Picking up the skirt, Jon stepped into it and prepared to pull it up, but getting caught off-guard by the flat space between his legs.
Sighing he lifted the skirt around his waist & fastened the button, slipping his feet back into the pumps.

Reaching for his deodorant he froze, "god dammit..." he grumbled, his usual can of 'Lumberjack Manly body spray' had been replace with 'Sensual Feminine Fruits strawberry scent'
He couldn't just walk around a smelly sweaty teen the rest of the day, convincing himself he'd already survived the worst of this whole thing, he gave himself a quick spritzing.
It was pleasant, but he smelled like a girl. Donning his shirt he stuffed the gym clothes into the bag and headed back toward his locker.

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