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2. The story starts with an avera

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Start: A human and his cat..

on 2019-01-22 14:24:37

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“One more Christmas out of the way, eh Katie?”

Katie… it wasn’t the most original name for a cat- but then Justin wasn’t really the best at naming things and had called her kitty for a while. Katie just sort of stuck. He was sitting with her in the living room with the passing of the holiday evident in the Spartan decorations. Dressed in simple jeans and a T-shirt he was now putting away his dinner while setting some aside for Katie, scraping some of the more valuable meats to her plate.

Justin had some grey hairs on him now brought on by a bit of stress from work.

Time marched on incessantly. Holidays came to a close and it would be time to get back to work. Not that Justin got much of a break. He was approaching his late thirties now and lived with a cat alone in a rather large house. For a brief moment his house was littered with gifts under a very small tree. None of these gifts were for himself but for the many members of his family. They had each taken one and now things were pretty much back to normal.

He was considered a reasonable success in the fast-food business managing a store. He had first started as a waiter and went up the chain to an assistant manager. He had hoped to become a manager eventually one day but for now he was fairly content with his life.

Katie, the cat purred gently against his leg as he walked back to the living room. The cat had been around the house from before he moved in about five years ago. Justin wasn’t sure about this black and white cat at times. She was a useful alarm clock though jumping and pawing at him. She had been a stray kitten when he found her in the garden. He felt a pang of sorrow and took her to the vet. A simple diet and the kitten had grown into the most adorable cat.

What could happen to an owner and his pet cat?

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