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16. Zo'

15. The Stone

14. After School

13. Last Lessons

12. Lunchtime

11. On toward Lunch

10. Gym class

9. Through Third and onto Fourth

8. Back to the Classroom

7. Locker (cont.)

6. Locker

5. Out of the classroom

4. Onward and upward to second pe

3. Revelation

2. what tomorrow brings

1. You Are What You Wish


avatar on 2019-01-23 09:04:58

2059 hits, 175 views, 2 upvotes.

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Spinning around in his chair, Jon got a whiff of his odour. "Blech, I need a shower", it had totally slipped his mind until now that he'd attended gym twice today, the strawberry scent of Ashley's deodorant barely hiding his stink.
Removing his t-shirt as he went, he tossed it into the clothes basket as he entered the bathroom, unbuttoning the skirt with his other hand, letting it fall around his ankles.
Peeling off the tights he scrunched them up into a ball with the skirt, tossing them both into the basket.
Looking down at the pink fabric, the final barrier between himself and nudity, he paused.
"Always wanted to get into a girl's panties" he chuckled, feeling a twinge. He needed to go to the toilet again.
Checking he'd locked the door, he stepped over to the toilet and lifted the seat. Reflexively he tugged down the waistband of his underwear, his other hand attempting to grab what was no longer present.
"god dammit" he sighed, letting the waistband snap back into position then dropping the toilet seat. Removing the panties he balled them up and tossed them toward the basket, leaving them flopped on the rim.
Sitting down he went about his business, the experience no more pleasant than the last time.

He got through the showering much as he normally would, though he was disappointed to find his shower jell was now a coconut milk body wash.
Drying off was easy, though Jon gave himself an unwelcome shock when he tried to floss the towel between his legs. After drying his hair, Jon wrapped the towel around his waist and headed back into the hallway.

"Sup bro!" he heard a boys voice call from downstairs. Looking over the railing he saw his sister stood by the front door.
"Zoe?" he asked.
"Why you gotta be a bitch Jon, I've told you a million times its just Zo!" his sister grumbled, crossing her arms.
Jon looked to his right, at his sister's bedroom door, 'Zoler'. "Bottom half" he mumbled under his breath, Zoe must've got jumbled up with Ashley's younger brother!
She didn't look different than before, though Jon figured that was probably because of the goth clothes, as far as he knew his sister could be a boy now.
He heard the thumping of his sister boots head toward the kitchen. "I'm meeting up with Ath & Edd, If mom asks where I am tell her I'm studying or some shit" she yelled up to Jon.
"OK!" Jon yelled back, Still her usual self he thought, entering his bedroom and locking the door.

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