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3. "...had a rock thrown at your

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

"...had a rock thrown at your head too!"

on 2009-02-11 06:37:14

1271 hits, 58 views, 1 upvotes.

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Out of nowhere a rock suddenly flew through the air and struck Fred Orr exactly as happened to Mikey.

"Ow! Where did that come from?" He asked astonished, looking at his classmates who were just as surprised as him. Even Mikey looked shocked.

Mikey for his part was a little more alarmed as he distinctly felt his rock heating up the moment he made his wish. It even seemed to glow momentarily. He'll definitely have to check it out when he got home.

Unfortunately Fred wasn't done with Mikey. At the end of the day when the class was dismissed he discretely followed Mikey and saw him heading into the boys washroom. Waiting a minute he told his two pals, the Crabbe and Goyle to Fred's Malfoy, to not let any other kid in. He then snuck inside.

Mikey was just finished with his business and flushed his toilet when he opened the stall door and walked right into Fred.

"Gee Mikey, looks like you haven't flushed all your crap. "Here let me show you." And with that he grabbed Mikey at the scruff of his neck and forced his head into the still swirling waters of the toilet.

After what seemed like an eternity Fred let Mikey go. Mikey's gasps for air were drowned out by the sound of Fred's laughter. "You know what you are Freddy? "A big dick! "I wish that's all you were!" And in a flash where Fred Orr had been standing there now lay nothing but a penis.

"Wha... What happened?" He stammered to himself. Now he knew the rock was magical and as much as he hated the guy he felt he should reverse what he did.

"Uh, I wish Fred were back to normal." He said looking at the rock.

Nothing happened.

Oh oh. Did he just use up all his wishes? He tried a different wish. "I wish Fred were an even bigger dick!"

Fred the dick was now definitely larger.

Okay. So Mikey could still transform Fred, he probably just couldn't make him his old self. But what to to with the dick?

Fred's condition jogged Mikey's memory. Jon had some weird manga's hidden in his room where only little brothers could find them. He learned what dildos were and what some of the women did with them. But he also came across something else. What were those characters called? Fut..Futa... Futunari? Slowly a smile curved Mikey's lip as an idea percolated in his mind.

After a couple of minutes he gripped the stone firmly and made a wish. "I wish that Fred would become a dildo that would allow him to take over the body of any grown woman who uses it, turning her into a futunari with his mind. "That he will possess the bodies of the women he has sex with, leaving the last one back to normal but without knowing what happened and making the next woman Fred's new host. "That he must have sex with a woman at least once a day, like a vampire who must drink blood, and like a vampire women can't resist him."

"I wish I could watch Fred's adventure on my tv or computer." He added as an afterthought.

"Let's see I wish Fred would find himself in the purse of..."

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