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9. What happened to James

8. Lisa's plan and Lisa's motives

7. Lisa invites Sharon over

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5. For Life?

4. The trade

3. Hotel happenings

2. James has a complicated life

1. Altered Fates

On whisky to many...

on 2015-01-12 23:24:53

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James couldn't believe how weird the last few hours had been. First he had accidently switched places with Lisa, his office crush, and then had no choice but to assume her identity until the could switch back, which meant that he had to go home to her husband. Lisa had explained her and her husband Jack were having some 'troubles', so James would be able to keep his distance without raising any suspicions.

When James arrived at Lisa's house he found that Jack had made his wife a special dinner, and James had no logical reason why 'Lisa' shouldn't have dinner with her husband'.

James quickly changed out of Lisa's work clothes and into something more comfortable, making sure it was something he had seen her wear after work before. He slid on the tight sweatpants that hugged his new feminine hips. Looking down between Lisa's large breasts at his crotch, it was painfully obvious to James that he was now completely and 100 percent all woman. He pulled on a tank top that he knew was one of Lisa's favorites. The built in bra in the tank top forced 'his' breasts up and together into a valley of cleavage that every guy in the office had longed to get their hands on.

James sat down to dinner with Jack and gratefully accepted the glass of whisky that Jack had offered. He had been so wound up since switching with Lisa, he felt that he really needed something to help him relax and he also knew it was something the real Lisa would have done. James was so nervous that he quickly finished his first glass and so Jack pour him a double for his second.

James still couldn't get comfortable. Everything about his body kept reminding him that he was now a woman. Lisa's long brown hair kept falling across his face, when he spoke he would hear Lisa's voice coming out of his mouth, and as a constant reminder, 'his' boobs kept getting in the way reach for something.

And the weirdest part was having to deal with 'his' husband. James, in his normal body, got along really well Jack, and he knew if hadn't wanted to sleep with his Jack's wife, they probably would have been good friends.

James was feeling much more relaxed as he set down the empty whisky glass on the table. If he didn't think about it, it was easy to forget whose body he was in and just think he was in his own body hanging out with Jack for the evening.

After dinner Jack suggested that they watch a movie and James didn't see the harm. They walked into the living room and both of them carried a glass that Jack had generously filled. James sat on the love seat as Jack put a DVD in and started the movie. James usually had a good head for alcohol, but he was feeling quite buzzed and it didn't register as strange when Jack sat right next to him on the loveseat, instead of his usual recliner.

James sipped his whisky as he got wrapped up in the movie and soon found that his glass was empty. Clumsily James leaned forward to set the glass on the coffee table, but felt top heavy and started to stumble forward. Jack helped steady his 'wife' and took the opportunity to guide her back closer to him, putting his arm around her in the process. James was guided into a position where he now rested his head on Jack's chest. Tipsy as he was, none of this really registered with James, especially not the strange, but pleasant sensation of a hand cupping a breast he had momentarily forgotten he now possessed.

Jack watched his wife carefully for any hint that he was going to far, but she seemed very relaxed, although her eyelids looked heavy. Things had been strained between them for so long now that felt like he was always walking on eggshells, but right everything seemed to going right. For past few months Lisa had seemed annoyed when he'd touch her, always staying distant, and sex had been none existent except for the occasional threesome that they'd have with Sharon.

Cautiously, Jack lightly squeezed Lisa's breast. He watched as her eyes drifted closed and mouth slowly opened as she softly moaned with pleasure. He felt her nipple hardening through the material of her top and she made no motions to stop him. Embolden he began to gently fondle her breast and once he heard the second moan escape her lips, he reached for the remote and turned off the tv, casting the room into darkness.

Dreamily James felt his breath coming more rapidly and he felt his heart racing. Reflexively James' tongue licked his lips and he sighed contentedly. He felt as if he were dreaming and this was like nothing he'd ever experienced before and it felt glorious. The erotic sensations that were strangely emanating from the right side of his chest sent little jolts of pleasure down to his crotch and back up to his chest. Without a thought he raised his left hand to his chest and was unfazed when his hand came into contact with a large breast, which he began kneading intently and sighed as his pleasure intensified.

Through the alcohol haze and erotic delirium in James' mind, all was right with the world. He was fondling 'some woman's breast' and he'd never felt so turned on. Something in the back of his mind was bothering him and he couldn't think clearly enough to remember what might be wrong with this, but at that moment he didn't want to stop what he was doing, so he could easily ignored the little voice that was telling him this was a bad idea.

James felt his shirt being pulled upwards and quickly tried to aid with its removal. James fumbled with it, but for some reason it clung tightly to his chest and wouldn't slide up. Soon another set of hands assisted him and within a few seconds James was flinging the shirt off to the side.

In the darkness, James' hands moved of their own volition and instantly found 'the woman's' breasts and returned to his foundling. He was pleasantly surprised to find that she was now topless too, assuming she had taken off her shirt when he had taken off his, but again, the voice in the back of his mind told him something wasn't quiet right, but he wasn't going to stop feeling up this girl now to figure it out.

James felt a hand on his thigh pulling his leg up, which caused him to sit up, pivot around on his knee and swing his leg around and over, so that he was now straddling someone. To keep his balance, James had to let go of the 'girl's breasts' and reached out to steady himself, finding a pair of shoulders to steady his hands on.

Jack was thrilled with how well things were going with Lisa. He leaned forward, took her nipple into his mouth and began to passionately suck on it, while expertly manipulating her other one with his hand. She moaned loudly, buckled up on her knees slightly and he felt her grip tightening as her nails dug into his shoulders. He knew from years of experience that this drove his wife wild and so he kept it up for some time, switching from nipple to nipple other. Jack knew he was really getting to her as she began moaning louder and louder.

James was lost in ecstasy. Nothing was making sense at the moment and he didn't care. Somehow he felt like he was getting a blowjob, but the 'girl' he was with was sucking on his nipples and it felt fantastic. Girls had sucked on them in the past and it never felt this amazing. And he could hear the girl's moans of pleasure too, which turned him on further.

James had never been more turned on in his life and now was afraid that he might 'shot his wad' prematurely. He felt like he was going to cum soon, but didn't want to disappoint the girl he was with, so he tried to think of baseball. That didn't help at all, and for a moment he realized that he could even feel his member, which should have be hard as a nail by now and straining to get out of his pants. Instead he felt a warm dampness between his legs. The little nagging voice in the back of his mind returned and told him this wasn't right. Maybe it was the alcohol James thought and it was keeping him from getting hard, but why was he wet down there? Terrified, James realized what the only possible answer could be that while this girl was sucking on his nipples, he had somehow lost control and wet his pants, but luckily she hadn't noticed yet.

James inebriated mind lead him the obvious next course of action, what was to remove the evidence before the 'girl he was with' could see what he had done. James slowly extracted himself from his lovers embrace and pivoted back around so they were once again side-by-side. James ignored how his nipples now ached for attention and the strange 'jiggling' sensations he was receiving from his chest as he spun around and flopped on his back. That pesky voice in his head screamed something was wrong, but James didn't have time for that, so in one fluid motion he slide his pants and underwear off, and tossed them as far away as he could. Relieved, James sighed and let his head fall back into the cushion of the love seat, once again ignoring the jiggling sensation on his chest that his movements caused.

James heard the movement of someone getting on their knees in front of him. Gently, but firmly, his mystery lover pushed his knees apart and James spread his legs as wide as he could to give access, but he still couldn't feel his penis, however within a few seconds he didn't care. James breath caught unexpectedly as strange and wonderful sensations rocketed through his body. "What is this girl doing to me?" he thought, as his mind was receiving sensations it had never received before.

James' legs felt like jello as he tried to spread them wider. He clearly felt the tongue that danced between his legs and he wondered why no woman had ever made him feel like this before. Whatever she was doing to him was like nothing he had ever experienced before and it felt amazing and he didn't want her to stop. Soon his breath was coming faster and faster, and his nipples again ached to be touched. James brought his hands to his chest and smiled contentedly as he firmly squeezed the large breasts he found there. "Why are these breasts on my chest?" The tiny, panicked voice in the back of James' mind whispered, but the part of James mind that was in control liked the way they felt in his hands, how good it felt to squeeze them, and how amazing it felt to have them squeezed. Suddenly James' breath caught as his first female orgasm fired though his body and he heard a female's voice moaning in unison with his own, not realizing that the voice he was hearing was coming from of him.

Tingles of electricity pulsated throughout James' body as he gasped for air, panting with his head back as he continued foundling his breasts and tweaking their nipples, not caring why they were there as long as they continued to feel this good.

James heard the sounds of his lover's pants hitting the floor and thought that he might need a little time to recover to 'get it up again', especially after that orgasm, but James didn't want to stop. He wanted this girl he wanted to be inside her and was longing for the moment that he could enter her and make her his.

Problem was he still didn't feel hard and stranger still there was this glowie 'looseness' in the pit of his stomach. And there was this strange, desperate longing to be 'filled' emanating from his groin. And he felt wet! But even in his drunken state he knew that was impossible, only woman got 'wet' and he knew for a fact that he was a man.

James felt hands on his hips sliding his body effortlessly to the edge of the couch. James' ass now hung partway over the edge and he was spread-eagle in front of his lover. Confused, James was wondering what they were going to do in such a weird position and how this would only work if James was the woman and his partner had been a man. The nagging voice in his head reminded him about the medallion and whispered that he was a woman and like a flash, James remembered that he was now Lisa and he realized that the 'woman' he was with had to be Jack!

At the same instant, James felt Jack's weight leaning into him and for the briefest instant James felt a strange pressure as their two bodies meet, but gasped as his yielded and he felt something sliding into him. James moaned with pleasure as that desperate longing to be 'filled' was now being met, and it felt glorious.

Jack withdrew his member slightly, then slid it in a little bit deeper, and continued this for several strokes until he was all the way in, just like Lisa liked it. Now that he was all the way in, he started to increase his pace and reached a hands up to fondle her breasts.

All conscious thought left James' mind as he moaned enthusiastically as the pace increased and he felt Jack's hands on his breasts. James' hips began rising up on their own to meet Jack's thrusts, trying to draw him in even deeper into his core and James was in ecstasy. His body knew what to do and James was just enjoying the ride, really enjoying it. Time had no meaning, until another orgasm rocketed though his body. Feminine moans echoed throughout the house as James' toes curled, his back arched, his hands clawed at the couch cushions and he wrapped his legs around Jack pulling him in as much as he could. Jack began to moan and James felt him tense suddenly, before he began to trust faster. James used his legs to pull Jack back into him, increasing the intensity of each of his thrusts, until an unexpected third orgasms exploded through James' body. James moaned loudly as Jack collapsed on top of him. James' felt as if his whole body tingling, he Jack's weight on top of him, Jack chest pressing against James' breasts, his penis still buried deep with in James. At his core, James felt muscles he didn't know he had trying to hold onto Jack as his penis began to soften within him. They hugged as Jack's penis as long as they could, but James whimpered softly when it finally slipped out of him.

Lips pressed against his and James enthusiastically returned the kiss. Their tongues danced in one another's mouth, until finally James felt as Jack leaned back, stood beside the couch and reached a hand down to help James up. James' legs nearly buckled beneath him and he need to hold onto Jack to steady him self. On wobbly legs, James followed Jack as he led him by the hand down the hallway.

James crawled under the covers and was quickly followed by Jack. Scooting up behind him, James found himself in a spooning position, with powerful arms wrapped around him, with on hand cradling one of his breasts. Exhausted, James smiled contentedly as he fell asleep.

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