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18. Dressup

17. A Little Exploration

16. Zo'

15. The Stone

14. After School

13. Last Lessons

12. Lunchtime

11. On toward Lunch

10. Gym class

9. Through Third and onto Fourth

8. Back to the Classroom

7. Locker (cont.)

6. Locker

5. Out of the classroom

4. Onward and upward to second pe

3. Revelation

2. what tomorrow brings

1. You Are What You Wish


avatar on 2019-01-28 18:51:41

2094 hits, 173 views, 6 upvotes.

Animal Aware Body Swap FTP Inanimate MTF Musc Part Theft Unaware

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Feeling a coldness run down his chest, he looked down. The towel lying at his feet, a line of drool sliding down his front. Picking up the towel Jon wiped it off, looking up at his reflection in the mirror before him.
"Daydreaming..." he sighed, peering over at his alarm clock.
4PM, he'd been staring at his naked self in the mirror for twenty minutes. Embarrassed, he tossed the towel onto his bed and made his way to his clothing drawers.

Sliding open his underpants drawer, Jon saw what he expected, panties. Rummaging through the rainbow of soft fabric, pushing aside the thongs and frilly lace, he searched for something more covering.
She has to have some shorts Jon thought, tossing the skimpy underpants into his trashcan. Returning to rummaging, his search for some more covering underpants turned up fruitless, sighing he shuffled through the selection of panties.
Reaching through the brightly coloured and variously decorated underpants, Jon fished out a pair of plain black panties. Double checking he had them the right way around, he slipped his legs in and pulled them up. The soft hug of the fabric reaffirming his change in equipment.

Closing the underpants drawer, Jon moved on to finding some pants. Though searching the drawer where they usually were, he found a large selection of skirts.
Searching the next drawer he found Ashley's leggings, some very short shorts, a few yoga pants, and a stack of bikini bottoms. "Well it's better than nothing.." Jon sighed, looking through the choice of leggings.
Jon settled on a pair of faded black jeggings, pulling them out of the pile. After a minute of awkward wiggling and stumbling, Jon managed to get the leggings on. He was surprised at how comfortable they were, though seeing himself in the mirror his eyes were drawn to his highlighted curves.
"Just try to deal with it, Jon" he mumbled, picking out a black t-shirt with a Mewtwo on it. Then searching his sock drawer.
The drawer was stuffed, tights, trainer socks, fluffy socks, thigh-highs, there was so much choice. Not wanting to bother searching any more, Jon just grabbed a pair of white trainer socks.

Moving over to his closet, he examined his reflection. Not to bad he thought, for a tomboy.. he added.
Sliding open the door, Jon decided to inspect the changes to the rest of his clothes.
His jackets were all still hung up, but there were now also some flowery dresses and a couple of pairs of skinny jeans slotted in too. His suit had also been replaced by a formal black dress.
Not wanting to think about it, Jon knelt down to get a look at the rest of the closet's contents. His formal shoes had been replaced by a pair of expensive looking heels, and there were also a selection of heeled boots.

Okay that's enough for me Jon thought, closing his closet and heading back to his PC.

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