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6. SSTRS - Cheer: At the Hospital

5. Cheering Up

4. Three Cheers for Twins!


2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

SSTRS Cheer: Sarah visits her new sister

on 2019-01-29 09:20:03
Episode last modified by Great Sage on 2019-01-29 10:33:16

2012 hits, 161 views, 7 upvotes.

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Sarah left, she then phoned in to the school and explained she was taking the day off to spend time with her new sister, she explained that she had imprinted with someone with SSTRS and that seemed to satisfy the school secretary who gave her permission.

Since seeing Jon, Sarah had felt a powerful need to be with him, she knew that this was a symptom of Sisters Disease and she knew that it was important to spend time in the company of the one she had donated her DNA to. It did not take her long to drive to the hospital, ironically Jon was taken to The MacMillan Special Diseases Ward, Sarah's father was a Biotechnology Billionaire whose Pharmaceutical Research Company was one of the top ten Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in the world.

When Jon woke up he became aware of someone holding his hand, it felt very nice, he also felt a slight weight on his chest an odd tickling sensations across his shoulders, slowly, memories came back, somehow , probably due to that stupid wish he was turning into some blonde blue eyed girl, he remembered his mom talking about something called Sisters Disease? Apparently he was becoming some girls twin but he couldn't think of who it could be, his sister and mom were both naturally brunettes with hazel eyes like himself, and it couldn't be Karyn because she had green eyes. Boy! whoever was holding his hand, it sure felt nice.


"No Jon, it's me, Sarah"

"Sarah? Sarah MacMillan?"

"Of course," she said with a far nicer smile than anyone would have believed her capable of, her blue eyes, normally so cold and imperious gazed into Jon's with a warmth and sincerity that few had ever seen.

"Umm...not to be rude but...uh...what are you doing here?"

"Jon, you know you have SSTRS, right?" at his confused nod she continued, "Well...." she hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty flashed across her face, "I- it was me! I snuck into your room and Imprinted you...I - I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done that but..." tears started to flow down her cheeks, as she clutched at Jon's hand like it was a lifebelt and Sarah was drowning.

"Wait! Sarah, I don't really understand, I've never heard of this SSTRS thing, what exactly do you mean by 'Imprinted', I'm totally confused and nothing anyone is saying is making any sense...Oh..shit! Does it mean I'm turning into you? That would explain the blonde hair and the eyes and the...the boobs" the last said in a near whisper.

"Well, it's more like your DNA is being rewritten from a template based on mine, only you get to be an even sexier and more beautiful version of me, you will become my sexy twin sister in every genetic sense of the word, however you won't stop being you..mostly, I've read that some mental changes occur as your brain even becomes entirely female, although I'm not sure how that affects stuff like your sexuality, usually the transformed boy ends up as bisexual, also, once you finish changing I also transform to be your identical twin sister, so we both end up super hawt, which is a bonus of course but, Jon, the real reason I did this was not out of vanity but because I remember what you said to me once, way back when we were five, we used to play together all the time before money and status and all that Popular Clique BS got in the way of our friendship, and you said to me 'I wish we were sisters Sarah', do you remember?"

Jon thought back and began to blush, he did remember something like that, but he'd buried those thoughts, he nodded, and Sarah continued.

"Jon, your friendship and your innocent wish for us to be sisters really meant something to me, you see I'm an Only Child, my Mom, the supermodel, didn't want to ruin her figure with another pregnancy, she got her Barbie Doll and that was that for her, so when you said that I began to pray every night that you would get your wish because I would have loved to have a sister, , I'm lonely Jon, Oh I have all the hangers on and insincere sycophants that want me for my money but no one to confide in, with you , the most decent human being I have ever known I could see someone I would love to be my sister, and then you caught that weird disease, and saw my chance...please say you don't hate me, I couldn't bear that!"

Tears and sobs escaped Sarah's normal iron discipline and for once she was just a frightened teenage girl, and Jon, being essentially decent and caring did the only thing he could do. He hugged Sarah and told her it was fine, that it was too late for regrets and they'd make this work somehow and, deep down, where he had forgotten she was, his inner girl rejoiced, Sarah was beautiful, Jon couldn't imagine what he's look like as an idealised version of the second prettiest girl in school ( in his eyes Karyn was the MOST beautiful) but for sure this girl would look incredible.

"Just one condition though...sis, Make things up between you and Karyn, she's my best friend and I couldn't stand for her to hate me , to hate us - can you do that, for me?"
"Anything, I'd love to be Karyn's friend again, oh this is going to be amazing!"

Sarah was giddy with joy, as she hugged Jon , h e got a look at his hands over Sarah's shoulder, the hands which were now small, elegant and dainty, the hand which Sarah had been clutching had beautifully manicured nails, the other hand caught up though even as Jon watched, it also just occurred to him that when he and Sarah spoke there was almost no difference between their voices. It was true, he was going to be Sarah's twin, well, this was certainly interesting.

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