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3. Up in the nosebleed section

2. Guess what awards show _THIS_

1. You Are What You Wish

Mysterious doings

on 2001-03-29 06:12:56

1422 hits, 40 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Animal MTF TF Unaware

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"Wow, we're really high up," said Karyn.

"I know. I wish we had better seats," said Jon.

Nothing happened.

"I thought you brought the rock with you," said Karyn.

"I did," said Jon. "It must be packed so securely in the cigar case that no wishes can get through."

"Oh well. At least we're here."

The ceremonies began. Karyn and Jon were surprised to find themselves laughing at Steve Martin's jokes (he was someone their PARENTS used to laugh at, fer sure!). They ooed and aahed as different stars came on stage, some to present, some to accept.

When Halle Berry came out, Jon reached into his pocket for the cigar case.

"No," said Karyn. "I know what you'd wish for and Halle would get into a lot of trouble." Jon put the case back.

After a while, Jennifer Lopez came out. She definitely was not wearinga bra, and Jon wished dearly that she weren't wearing anything else, either.

"I'm here tonight," said Jennifer, "to preeeeehawwww, heehawwww, heeehhaaaaawwww!!!"

Before the stunned, billion-plus world-wide audience, Jennifer Lopez's ears elongated until they were those of a donkey! There was a bulge beyond Ms. Lopez's callipygious rear end, and a tail poked through her skirt, followed by the rest of a donkey's hind quarters. Soon, Jennifer Lopez was a strange donkey/centaur. She gallopped back and forth on the stage.

"Jon," whispered Karyn. "What are you doing? Change her back right this second!"

"I can't," said Jon. "I didn't wish for this. And it wouldn't work anyway, remember?"

"Well, if you didn't do it, then who did?"

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