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7. Inifinite Power =

6. The Stage is Set

5. Erin Bronco-vich

4. Yeah, who?

3. Up in the nosebleed section

2. Guess what awards show _THIS_

1. You Are What You Wish

Infinite Ways to Screw Things Up

on 2001-08-08 23:55:01

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Holding the rock, Jon said "I wish we could follow that man wherever he's going to."


Reality swam around the two of them. When they opened their eyes, they were much closer to the stage. Just as before they saw Jennifer Lopez begin to introduce the next award winner.

Then they looked at each other.

Jon knew it was Karyn when he saw her, even if she did look like Catherine Zeta-Jones. Similarly, Karyn recognized her friend Jon behind Nicole Kidman's eyes.

They looked up in time to see Lopez finish her transformation. Then they too began to feel the irrational pull to get up on stage with her.

"Jon?" Karyn yelled, eyes locked strait ahead on the platform ahead of them, "Jon you have to do something!"

Jon blinked as they mounted the stage. Where was the stone now? When he made the wish it had been in his hand, but now it had disappeared.

"Jon, do it now!" Karyn was getting hysterical, her ears acquiring donkey fur and growing longer.

Then he felt the cold lump pressed between his bra and his left breast and began to wish.

"Jon? Jaaawwwheee!" he heard Karyn yell, and felt the tickling of a tail on his expanding rump.

"I wish that HAWWWWeee! Hreeehaaaww!" he brayed, trying to push in his bucked teeth with one hand and gripping his throat with the other.

Then the portal opened, and he could only walk forward.

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