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26. Two's company

25. Avoiding past mistakes

24. the House

23. Promises

22. Sharon's decision

21. Dominance

20. All dressed up...

19. Back to Jack

18. Time for the check

17. A bite to eat

16. James' realizations

15. Possibilities

14. James tells Lisa what Happened

13. Questions

12. Off to the beach

11. A knock at the door

10. In the morning...

9. What happened to James

8. Lisa's plan and Lisa's motives

7. Lisa invites Sharon over


on 2015-06-18 15:09:32

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Animal Aware MC NBM Part Swap TF

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Neither Jack nor Lisa had noticed Sharon's belated entry and neither of them now noticed her leave. Jack's attention was focused entirely on controlling his orgasm. It had been a long time since Lisa had blown him and he had forgotten how amazing her mouth felt. She was the only woman he had ever been with who could take his whole length.
Lisa was far too aroused to feel confused about what she was doing. That would have to wait until later. It wasn't physical. It was all mental. She hadn't thought. She had been too aroused to think clearly. It was mostly instinct, but she would have thought there would be some degradation involved. At the very least that it would feel like a surrender, but no, strangely, it felt victorious.
She was in absolute control right now. She had the entirety of Jack's attention focused on her. When she moved her tongue she could feel his whole body tense in response. Last night when they had made love, she had still thought of herself as James and to protect that illusion she had very nearly had a psychotic break. She had imagined that "James" was making love to some woman. That mental confusion combined with the sensory dullness of being very drunk had limited intensity of the experience. It had still been good; just not what it could have been. She was only just now beginning to appreciate how large that difference was.
In addition to the power she felt, she was also literally on her knees "bowing" to her man, and she was enjoying the contradictory yet complimentary feelings as only a woman could, but again there was nothing physical about this just her body's responses to her thoughts. What will it feel like when he is inside my cunt? His wonderful cock stretching me, dragging my clit with it...her pussy twitched at her thoughts and she moaned involuntarily. That moan was stopped from escaping by Jack's cock which blocked her mouth as effectively as a ball gag, but the vibrations produced by her throat were transmitted directly to his shaft. They were enough to overwhelm his control. Before he could do more than grab her hair, his orgasm had started and he ejaculated into her mouth.
Lisa was caught off guard and her initial reaction had been to pull back, but before Jack's cock cleared her mouth she changed her mind. She decided that Jack coming in her mouth was better than on her face or in her hair. She stopped with the head just passed her jaw and held still and waited. She felt Jack shack and under her arms and every few moments felt another glob hit her tongue which she had rolled up to act as a shield to the back of her mouth.
There was a brief moment of panic as Jack's semen slid across her tongue and pooled between her teeth. This being the first time she had tasted semen; she hadn't know what to expect. She had been prepared for a salty disgusting mess that made her want to gag, but then again given how voracious her sexual appetites seemed to be a part of her had been afraid that she would find it delicious and irresistible. The one reaction she hadn't been prepared for was nothing. More than anything else it reminded her of a mixture of yogurt and cottage cheese. It wasn't alluring, intoxicating, or revolting. It was bland.
By this time Jack had slumped into the couch. She could hear him breathing heavily. His erection was subsiding and she pulled back letting it fall out of her mouth. With her mouth open she could smell the semen quite clearly. Again it didn't have a strong scent per se, but it had a musk too it that was undeniably male. Lisa felt overwhelmed and gasped, which was a mistake. She inhaled and the air flow into her nose and mouth pulled some of the semen with it. It hit her throat and started to go down the wrong way. Lisa's suppressed gag reflex switched back on with a vengeance and she coughed.
She quickly put her hand over her mouth, but it was almost too late. The cough was pretty strong and sprayed the semen through her mouth. Her nose burned as well, but that was probably mucus or at least Lisa hoped it was mucus. Some dribbled down her face. Most landed in her hand, but some cleared the palm of her hand and flew on to hit jack in the stomach. He still wasn't moving much, but he leaned forward.
"Are you okay?" he asked. There was concern in his voice, but he also sounded pretty distracted.
Lisa couldn't speak she could barely breath and she was still coughing she was now bent over looking down toward the floor with her forehead on the edge of the couch. She managed to nod jerkily between spasms.
She felt her cheeks burn. She had been having fun playing the sex goddess, but that doesn't work if you are bent double retching. No one looks good like that. She was wallowing in shame when she felt the palm of jacks hand rest gently on her back. At first Lisa was afraid he was going to start pounding on her back, but it was a light touch. Jack moved his hand back and forth between her shoulder blades. He put enough pressure for fiction to warm her skin. It was very soothing. She felt her shame diminish and she got enough control over her breathing to risk looking up. Her mouth was empty by now except for a film that clung to her teeth. She could still taste it, but that part might have to wait for a tooth brush.
She glanced up and looked jack in the eyes. Jack reached out brushed her hair out of her face. Neither one of them said anything or moved. They just stared into each other's eyes and enjoyed the moment. Lisa lost track of the time they sat like that, but the moment ended and when it did she felt a tension in her calves and knees from how she was sitting on them, but took a moment to savor it. It was much less than should would have expected. As Lisa she was both lighter and fitter than James was so it was far less stressful to stay in that position than she had thought it would be.
She smiled and felt a tug where the semen on her face had started to dry. She looked up at jack who was smiling at her. He said, "I'm sorry I didn't warn you." He didn't sound that sorry, "but you were, as always, amazing."
Lisa felt a pulse of pride at the compliment. She felt her nipples tighten again and stood up. "That's okay, just promise me you aren't done?" Jack's face tightened and the look of determination would have been funny under normal circumstances.
Rather than answer directly he leaned forward again. Lisa was standing, but Jack was still sitting, which made it work thought the angle was still bad. He kept leaning forward coming closer to her skin and planted a kiss on top of her panties. It was just one simple kiss, but it was also a promise, he looked up at her and said, "I'll never be 'done'." Her panties were soaked already so Jack didn't notice when her pussy released another shot of moisture, but he sitting as close as he was couldn't miss the muscle spasm that gripped Lisa's pelvis.
The smile dropped off his face as his line of sight connected with Lisa's left hand and the slowly drying puddle in its palm. He tried to hide his distaste. He didn't want Lisa to have negative associations with blowing him, but he also didn't want to look at it. She saw where he was looking and stepped back. "Give me a minute to clean up," she said. She inclined her chin towards the back of the house. "Finish getting undressed and meet me in the bedroom."
Jack said, "Okay" And stood up. He was moving with a restrained urgency that Lisa found gratifying. She closed her hand over her palm and tried not to squeeze. She walked around the couch and headed toward the bathroom. On the way she found a piece of paper with a hand written note. She didn't slow down so she couldn't make out the text, but she could make out Sharon's signature at the bottom.
She walked into the bathroom and switched on the mirror lights. Yikes! Her hair was a mess from Jack running his hands through it, but worse was the cum on her face. She turned on the faucet with her right hand and was about to rinse of her left, when she stopped. She looked up at her reflection again and took a moment. Her skin had that sheen that comes from drying sweet. It was just the right about to make her glisten without looking like she had just come from the gym. Her breasts hung off to the side there was too much space between them too qualify as cleavage. She rotated her arms forward and used them to push her breasts together. Her nipples were tingling again. She was on edge just the air moving over her nipples now was enough to excite them. She felt her pussy spasm again.
She looked at her face again. She was stunning, but that sense of admiration James had felt was fading. Pride had started to take its place, but she could also more clearly see her flaws. There were lines developing around her eyes and her mouth. They wouldn't be noticeable to most people, but Lisa knew they wouldn't go away either. She blinked. What would it be like to not pretend? She thought. What would it be like to stay for real? To be Lisa. Not just for an hour or two, but for life! She felt her nipples and her pussy pulse briefly at that thought. She gasped. She looked down at her hand again. In a way, it's a sign of affection. She thought which makes it a gift. She lifted her hand to her mouth and licked the semen up quickly. It still didn't taste like anything, but it felt good. It's rude to discard a gift she thought.
She looked at herself in the mirror again and ostentatiously swallowed. It didn't go down that smoothly, but a handful of water as a chaser took care of it. She giggled. She wiped her face off and washed her hands. She debated brushing her teeth, but she was too excited to wait any longer.
She reached down and pulled her panties off and threw them in the tub. She stood there naked. The sink cut off the reflection at her navel so she looked down instead. Her hand slide down her flat stomach passed the tuff of pubic hair and grazed her clit. The glancing touch brought a gasp and almost knocked her off her feet. My god. How sensitive is it? She took a moment and pictured Jack mounting her again. The gasp that escaped her this time was closer to a moan. She sank another four inches before she recovered. She stood up straight and looked at herself in the mirror again. The physical sensations were mingling with the fantasies and they were accelerating each other. She couldn't wait any more and slipped two fingers into her pussy. She drove them to her second knuckle and pushed them apart forcing her cunt open. It flexed back trying to squeeze and draw her fingers further inside. She took a moment and enjoyed that pressure. Then she let them come together slowly. She felt around for her clit. Wondering how she had ever had trouble finding one before and dragged her fingers back and forth very slowly and very slightly. It was almost too much and her eyes shut as another pulse shot through her body. It turned every nerve ending too fire and she screamed. One single dividing wall away Jack could hear her moan and his erection returned.
Lisa was lost in her own world and she turned to leave and head back into the bedroom. I wonder if Jack wants kids she thought as she walked into the bedroom. She didn't pursue the thought because the sight of her naked husband and his large erection drover other thoughts from her head. She walked forward and embraced him. They kissed each other hungrily before Lisa pulled back and pushed him off her. She stepped backwards and lay down on the bed pulling her legs up and apart. She felt her pussy pulled open and had trouble holding still. She looked up at Jack and said, "Your turn." Jack's face displayed a moment of frustration but he knew better than to even think of foreplay as a "delay". He joined Lisa on the bed and within seconds she was screaming again.

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