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3. The New England Academy for Gi

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

A Special School.

on 2019-01-31 18:44:04
Episode last modified by Mira on 2019-02-07 22:22:56

1726 hits, 128 views, 3 upvotes.

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The next day Jon was woken by Zoe bouncing up and down on his bed, waving two letters in her hand, Jon had not seen her so excited in many years, but it sure was annoying when she was being so damned happy when he wanted to sleep.
"They Came! They Came! We Did it Bro! We got in! Look, see here!" She shoves a letter into Jon's face, it has a sort of coat of arms heading it and appeared to be from somewhere called The New England Academy for Gifted Individuals, apparently he had been accepted for their special Scholarship Programme, and so had Zoe if her excitement was anything to go by.
After a few minutes it occurred to Zoe that her brother appeared baffled and not wildly excited.

"Oh EMM JEE Jon! You wouldn't shut up about this place, we go there, get powers and get the best education ever, but best of all we get to be something really cool! What's wrong? Are you in shock or something? Hurry Up! they're sending the limo around later today to take us there, say bye bye to crappy small town school and say hello to the most amazing, life changing experience of your life!"

Jon still had no idea what was going on so he shooed Zoe out and got ready, whilst he finished reading, what the letter told him was unbelievable, because The New England Academy for Gifted Individuals was in fact a very special school, the scholarship included a process which would activate some inner part of his true self , allowing him to become something he's always fantasized about.
It was a School for....

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