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11. Like me, Like you

10. Lucy comes up with a different

9. Lucy wants to share the experi

8. "I want you to cut my head off

7. She wants to use the katana on

6. Tell her the truth

5. Cousin Lucy

4. At home

3. Jason McCormick, 18

2. Reality-Altering Laser Katana

1. The Drafting Board

Like me, Like you

avatar on 2019-02-07 17:42:33

2193 hits, 151 views, 3 upvotes.

Age FTP Musc Part Theft

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"You can look now" Lucy grinned, tossing the hilt onto Jason's bed.
The feeling in his body flashing back, Jason quickly tore the blindfold off. "What the heck did you-" he began before cutting himself off when he looked down, "" he trailed off, dropping the blindfold.
Lucy was trying her best to hide her giggling, watching her cousin's reaction.

Jason stared down at the pale yellow tank top he now wore, the chest tented by two orbs, a hint of cleavage peeking out. His breath slightly trembling he turned his view down his body, seeing the pair of faded skinny jeans his cousin was wearing, perfectly fitting him. Then on his feet a pair of mildly fluffy white socks.
"y-you... me... you... y-your..." Jason's voice quivered as he gestured his hands back and forth between his cousin and his new body.

Lucy couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing, "O, M, G, cuz, you should see your face! hahahaha"

"It's so..." Jason whispered, staring at his hands.

Composing herself, Lucy wiped the tears out of her eyes from laughing, "Heh, wasn't expecting that were ya! heh heh"

"I'm getting my body back" Jason mumbled.

"What? but you've only just changed, at least stay like this for a bit" Lucy whined.

"I, want, my, body, back." Jason growled, clenching his fist and turning to his cousin, "Where is it?"

"Ugh, fine, have it your way, you spoilsport." Lucy groaned, "It's right over-" she cut herself off, pointing to the empty space on the floor where Jason's body has slumped after she cut his head off, her eyes going wide.
"I don't understand, it was right there!" she gasped.

"You mean it's gone?!" shouted Jason, "Why is it gone? What setting did you use?!"

"The purple one...?" Lucy began to panic

Jason's expression dropped.

"Did.., did I use the wrong one...?" Lucy asked, nervously playing with her hair.

"You...." Jason let out a deep sigh, "You erased my body..."

"Oh God, I... I didn't mean to!" said Lucy, shaking, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "W-we c-can fix it r-right?!, t-there's gotta be a way t-to fix it...* the tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Jason was overwhelmed, he just stood there, running his slender feminine fingers slowly through his hair, trying to think of any way to get his body back.

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