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4. Back to the real world?

3. Nothing unusual, but...

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Back to the real world?

avatar on 2019-02-09 12:04:18
Episode last modified by TheScienceWizard on 2019-02-09 14:50:03

1997 hits, 147 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Animal FTP Inanimate Omni SciFi

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Everything was dark, all Jon could hear was the distant buzz of old TV static.
Large white words all of a sudden flashed up in front of him.


Then as quickly as the message appeared it vanished, the buzz of static rapidly increasing in volume until it was deafening. Jon was powerless to do anything about it, he couldn't even block it out.
Silence. The weight of helmet resting on his head, and the feeling of being reclined in a soft chair.
The helmet automatically retracted from his head. Opening his eyes the brightness was blinding, Jon could only just about make out the shape of the chair he was laying in, a fuzzy red blob with a fuzzy blob on top of it.
Looking across the room to a fuzzy black rectangle affixed to the wall beyond the end of the chair, he blinked hard a dozen times, slowly adjusting his eyes to the light.
The fuzzy rectangle revealing itself to be a TV, scrolling through a computer console output of random nonsense.

Shifting his eyes down on himself his heart skipped a beat. These aren't my clothes.... he thought. His eyes first met the pair of dark grey converse trainers he was wearing, his legs in black leggings, and a grey and dark green pleated plaid skirt.
Further up he saw he was wearing a black t-shirt with an elaborate VR goggles design, and the text Lakepoint VR Experience alongside some Japanese text he assumed said the same.
Though that was the least of his current worries, as he noticed the chest of the t-shirt was bulging outward slightly. He could feel the panic building in his breath, lifting his hands up to inspect his chest, but stopping when he saw them in front of him.
A pair of feminine hands, the soft pale skin of what was now his arms hovered out before him. He stared at them, his breath becoming shorter while they began to tremble.
"Aaaa!" he let out a short scream, pausing at the much higher tone than he was used to.
"Aaaaaa!" he screamed even louder, shaking as he stared down at the female body he now possessed.

"Aki! What's wrong?!" he heard a familiar girl's voice call out. Still panicking and short of breath he turned to see...

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