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7. Scarlet?

6. Changes...

5. Jon is in for a world of chang

4. Calm Down Jon!

3. were a transexual.

2. No! Mustn't ... do it! But .

1. You Are What You Wish

Scarlet... The Red headed Ninja from GI JOE... Jon was a looser!

on 2001-08-09 02:09:18

2153 hits, 121 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Body Swap FTM Myth Part Swap Unaware

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Then it hit her. Karyn saw behind her a drawing of the GI JOE Girl Scarlet! The body Jon had described was what he saw in the picture. This was a poster he had made of an older comic poster, in it she was drawn at un-proportional aspects, which were now obvious from what she saw in Jon's new body. She turned around and was surprised to see that what clothing TG Jon had been wearing had completely given away from the powerful transformation. She also noticed something peculiar about Jon as he still was undergoing transformations. Jon was painfully struggling to stand on the top of her tippy-toes.
Turning back towards the wall, Karyn saw why Jon's ankles were shaped as they were, the poster of Scarlet displayed her in very high five inch stiletto heeled ankle high boots.

Karyn turned her head and saw a brilliant flash where Jon was standing causing her to cover her face with her arm. The next thing she knew the light had faded followed by a loud thud. Know what??

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