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8. Taking a call

7. Back to Karyn

6. Breakfast at Jon's

5. Back to Jon

4. Karyn's Morning

3. Just a dream...?

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn is not happy

avatar on 2019-02-13 10:48:10

1790 hits, 164 views, 2 upvotes.

Age Anthro FTP Herm Inanimate MC Musc Omni Part Theft SciFi Super

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Climbing back up the stairs, Jon tried his best not to think about the tug on his chest from every step, or that he'd need to get used to it if he was stuck like this for a month.

bvvvt bvvvt Jon heard from his room, dashing in and grabbing his cellphone, thought it had already stopped ringing.
"3 missed calls from Karyn" he read, "oh that can't be good"
Tapping on Karyn's contact, the phone only rang for a second. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" yelled Karyn.
"Jeez!" jumped Jon, momentarily pointing the phone away from his ear. "I was having breakfast. What's the big problem?"
"I'll tell you what the problem is, Jon-boy. It's that you've made some dumbass wish!" Karyn barked.
Jon sighed, "I did but let me explain-"
Karyn interrupted, "Oh you better have a good reason for giving me a FUCKING PENIS"
Jon froze, unsure of how to process the information. "You... you what?"
"A FUCKING PENIS, Jon! And my boobs are gone too!" she continued to bark down the phone.
"Karyn I didn't wish for this I fucked up I didn't I" Jon rambled.
"'Didn't wish for this'? Then what the hell did you wish for?"
"Karyn I fucked up last night so I didn't realise I was holding the stone and" Jon rambled on.
"JON!" Karyn interrupted again, "Slow the hell down I can't understand a word you're saying."

Jon took a slow breath.
"So... I Accidentally made a wish last night, I was bored and tossing the stone around to entertain myself" Jon paused, before starting to ramble on again "then not even thinking I wished something interesting would happen and"
"Jon you IDIOT!" shouted Karyn, "that wish could've done anything, we could've been turned into frogs or something! You got lucky it just gave me a dick."
"Well about that..." Jon started.
"When I woke up..."
Jon sighed, "I don't have..."
"Are you saying I have your dick, and you have my-"
"NOnonono, at least I don't think so, I mean my mom had changed too so I guess"
"Why haven't you wished us back to normal?" Karyn butted in.
"Oh umm, you're not going to like this..."
"What happened..."
"The stone uh, locked itself away... for a month..."
"WHAT?!" shrieked Karyn, "Fuck this, I'll see you in school"
Jon heard the beeps of the call being disconnected. Sighing he placed his cellphone back on his desk.
"Great job Jon, the only person who knows there's a problem now hates you."

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