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3. switch genders

2. No! Mustn't ... do it! But .

1. You Are What You Wish

switch genders

on 2006-08-05 21:12:41

1798 hits, 81 views, 1 upvotes.

Anthro Inanimate Musc SciFi Size Super

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Karyn held the rock and said "I wish, that for one hour ... no, one da ... no two days me and jon would be the opposite gender and we both knew the things all of our gender should basically know"

"no! why would you wish that" jon protested, but he realized he was already a she and was wearing a knee lenght skirt a girl's T-shirt "wow that was fast I didn't even notice it happen" jon said trying to adjust his voice to sound like a boy's again

"well i figured we could both see what life is like on the easier side" karyn replied

jon, stangely found the new karyn almost would he dare say cute and karyn while looking at who jon had become strangely found her kind of cute but both of them had had feelings for eachother before so it was nothing new well other than switching sexes.

"We need to go to school and see who we think has it easier" karyn said

"well i guess i can handle it but it's so strange the things I know now, i even know what material this skirt is made out of"

"well get used to it now do your make up and we'll head to school

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