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3. No Gender Identity

2. No! Mustn't ... do it! But .

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon is bigender

on 2012-05-19 04:55:05

2020 hits, 94 views, 0 upvotes.

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"I wish, that for one hour Jon didn't care if he was a boy or a girl," Karyn said.

"Karyn what have you done? That's horrible!" Jon cried. He backed away fearfully grabbing his head as he felt something changing in his brain. He was afraid that he'd open his eyes and be some kind of fruit loop. Instead he got something he really wasn't expecting. Suddenly he understood. His soul didn't have a gender, any more than it had a skin color. It simply was! He didn't care whether he was a guy or a girl, because he would still be the same person either way. The instinctive pressure he felt to act tough and masculine was gone, and now it was more like a suggestion he was free to accept or reject however he sees fit. Jon felt so liberated, so enlightened. "You know Karyn, that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. I think on some level I understand what you were trying to say," Jon admitted. "In fact, I really like feeling like this, thanks!" he said.

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