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3. The Visitor

2. The morning after the day befo

1. You Are What You Wish

Enter Sonia

on 2001-08-23 04:50:01

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"Hey, mom!" I yelled as we came through the front door, "Is it okay if Karyn stays for supper?"

"Of course," came her reply from the kitchen, "As long as she doesn't mind our company."

"Company?" Karyn mouthed. I shook my head - this was news to me. "Uh, who's here, mom?" I asked.

Well, come on in and meet her," was the reply.

With a shrug, Karyn and I went to the Kitchen - and there, sitting at the tabel with mom, was one of the most gorgeous women I'd ever seen.

She looked like she was from Latin America somewhere, with smoldering eyes and long, beautiful jet black hair. And even dressed in a plain checked men's shirt and a pair of jeans, there was no hiding a knockout figure.

"Jon, Karyn," my mom said, "This is Sonia Velez. Sonia, this is my son Jon, and his friend, Karyn Reid."

The woman turned to greet us, and for just a split second, I thought I saw something in her eyes - almost like she recognized me, and was about to rush over and hug me. Wishful thinking, Jonny boy! I chided muself.

"Buenos Dias, Jon," she said in a silky voice. "Your mother has told me very much about you. It is a pleasure to meet you and your friend."

"Uuuuh - hi," I explained. From behind me, Karyn whispered, "Close your mouth before you start drawing flies, Jon." I could hear the smirk in her voice.

"Sonia was a friend of your grandfather's while he was in Ecuador," mom said.

"Si'," she said. "Your grandfather, he was a very special man. Thanks to him, I feel as though I know his family - and you - almost like it was my own, you know?"

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