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3. Moose meat

2. Payback is sweet

1. You Are What You Wish

Moose meat

on 2001-12-18 04:39:43

3261 hits, 125 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal FTM Herm MC Musc Super

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"I wish Moose could be the laughing stock of the school." Karyn was seething. Moose was none the brightest of people, but at over six foot tall, over two hundred and thirty pounds of solid muscle, good looking, and the schools football star - he not only got away with anything and everything, he had every girl in the school drooling over him. Well every girl but Karyn, who saw right through his zero personality and lack of smarts.

"How about we just turn his world a bit upside down and see what he does with it?"

There was a definite smirk on Karyn's face "Do I hear a wish in the making?"

"Maybe. How do you think he'd look sporting his own double D breasts?"

"Okay, and what if everyone thought it normal except for him?"

"Not bad... but not enough. What if..."

They wrote and rewrote the wish several times, until the bell rang for first period. It was good, but they decided to hold off on doing it until lunch break, which would give them each time to think up ways to refine the plan. Needless to say, not a whole lot of schoolwork was accomplished that morning.

"Jon, I'm going to burst if we don't do this soon. I'm so excited! You think of any changes we need to make?"

"No, not really. You?"

"Not a one. Please can we do this already?"

"Okay then, here goes nothing. I wish, that Mike Mathews will, over the next three days, grow a pair of women's breasts, sized double D, that they will be exceptionally sensitive and errogenous, and will be his until such time as I decide otherwise. I wish that his wardrobe changes along with him as he develops. I wish that to everyone else but Mike himself, Karyn, and myself, no one will think his having breasts to be anything but normal. I also wish that people treat him as they would anyone else with breasts for the duration of the time he has them. How's that?"

"Perfect. Now to take care of 'Stud'."

"How about we see how things go with Moose first?"

It was at home that evening, as Moose undressed for bed, as he pulled his muscle shirt off, that 'things' started. "What the hell? That hurt." What caught his painful attention, was the result of his top brushing over two abnormally large nipples. To soothe the sharp pain, he figured he'd lightly massage the area, only to be rewarded with an equally fabulous, though totally foreign, sexually stimulating sensation that travelled instantly to his crotch. "Son of a bitch, what's with the nipples?" In a matter of moments the situation was getting beyond poor Moose's control. From within his jeans, his stiffening member was straining to get out. As one hand kept playing with his thimble sized super sensitive erect nipples, his other hand worked frantically to undo the pants, and his thoughts were consumed with the absolute need to whack off. In the few moments it took to pull the pants down, Moose was ready to explode, and did just that - all over his bed.

As his breathing returned to normal and his head cleared a bit, the realization of what had just taken place began to penetrate even his thick skull. "I need a cold shower." Only the force of the water was too much for his sensitive nipples, and finished off with one hand shielding his chest. Even towelling off was a new experience, as the normally soft terry towel proved most painful as it passed over each nipple. Now in bed, there was no way of getting comfortable lying as he normally did on his stomach, what with the feeling of those damn nipples getting mashed into the mattress. It took quite a while before sleep finally overtook his questioning mind.

The following morning things had gone from bad to worse as far as Moose was concerned, for now his manly hairy chest was totally void of any hair. It was also clearly visible that those nipples of the night before were not only larger and darker, but were now sitting atop two ever so slightly puffed mounds of fatty tissue, that even to Moose looked like female breasts. "This can't be happening. It's not possible. I need a doctor. I can't go to school like this."

Since mom always knows best, he lumbered down the stairs to find his mother making breakfast in the kitchen. "Mom, I need help."

"Mike, what do you think you're doing running around without a top on? No son of mine will parade his breasts around my house uncovered. Now scoot upstairs and put on your bra and a top then come back down and we can talk. Now hurry or you'll be late for school." Moose just stood there dumbstruck. "Earth to Mike, get a move on it."

With nothing to say, he did an about face and headed up to his room. Sure enough, sitting there in his top dresser drawer, along with all his boxers and socks, were at least a half dozen bras. Gingerly he picked one up and examined the strange garment. A tag read 44AA and written in indellible marker was written 'Mathews' as all his underwear usually did. As if on autopilot, he pulled the bra around his chest and hooked the ends together. It was a snug fit, but seemed appropriate for his chest size. Though he'd obviously never done this before, he knew just how, and twisted the bra around until the cups lined up with his breasts. Pulling the straps up onto his shoulders seemed natural, as did pulling on a stretchy knit, short sleeved, cream colored top.

At this point, the remaining socks and pants went on, and it was on to shaving and brushing his teeth. Still on autopilot, in a total daze, Moose stood in front of the mirror performing the tasks at hand by wrote, his mind totally consumed by the sight of himself with breasts large enough to need a bra.

Back in the kitchen his mother wanted to know what his problem was. "Mom, how come you're not like, freaked at seeing me with breasts and wearing a bra?"

"Stop being so silly. You know full well I've insisted you wear a bra ever since you started developing."

"But that's what I'm talking about. Guys don't have breasts!"

"What's with you today? You know perfectly well that it's a normal thing, and that soon you'll have a lovely figure. Now hurry up or you'll be late for school."

"But mom, I can't go to school looking like this."

"Of course you can. You look fine. Just because you're a late bloomer, is nothing to be ashamed of."

Even with his lower intelligence, Mike knew this was weird beyond belief, and that he must have been dreaming this whole thing, because this was just too impossible to be real. Still, he grabbed his backpack and headed off to school, where Jon and Karyn were waiting to admire their handywork.

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