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3. Walk a thousand miles...

2. Payback is sweet

1. You Are What You Wish

Change is Sweet...

on 2009-10-17 00:10:17

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Age Anthro FTP MTF Magic Musc Super TF

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Karyn and Jon thought for a moment, trying exactly to come up with a way to punish Steve "The Stud" Farber and Mike "The Moose" Matthews. After several thoughts, they decided that the only way they would ever learn their lesson is if they had a chance to experience life from the other side of the fence. After discussing the wish several times, Karyn held the stone in her hand and read it off of a piece of paper.

"First off," she began, "I wish that Steve Farber and Mike Matthews would appear in front of us right now." Without a moment's hesitation, a very confused Moose and Stud popped out of nowhere. They looked around confused for a moment, before Karyn continued. "I wish that they couldn't move from the spot they are standing until I say so." The two guys instantly froze in place just as soon as they spun around, after hearing Karyn's voice.

"You fucking nerds!" Steve Farber tried to yell out, but he found that his mouth was frozen in place, unable to move. Jon smiled at him, waving at them in a taunting fashion. Both Mike and Steve tried to fight, but try as they might, their muscles just would not move.

"It's time you two learned a lesson," Karyn said clearly, a hint of malice in her voice. "You first," she said, pointing to The Moose. "I wish that all of the clothes you were both wearing would disappear." Instantly, the two boys stood their completely naked. "I also wish that no one outside of us four will notice until I say otherwise." She didn't want to attract a crowd. She pointed to Mike, looking closely at a piece of paper. "I wish that Mike Matthews would slowly and painfully transform into the girl that I am visualizing right now. He may also move now."

Mike instantly was freed from the bind, and he rushed to get at Karyn, but was quickly overcome by a searing pain all over his body. He growled in agony as the rush of feeling overcame his entire nervous system. He felt himself twitching uncontrollably on the ground.

Jon watched in fascination as Mike's buzzed haircut began to grow out, lengthening to just beyond his massive shoulders and turning into a dark red color. Those broad shoulders, however, quickly disappeared, virtually collapsing in on themselves as his strong upper body melted away in a meek female physique, albeit one that was still rather large. His pure muscled abs were ebbed away, replaced by a slightly poochy stomach. Jon cringed as he heard Mike's hips snap into place, widening to a more feminine proportion.

Mike's face began to mold like putty, transforming from a Neanderthal like visage to a slightly chunky female visage. Mike screamed out in a higher pitch, his voice rising to that of a falsetto, though a little off key if he were to sing. His tree trunk like legs turned to jelly and fat, all semblence of the muscled linebacker he had once been gone. Finally, Jon watched as Mike's chest began to grow outward, transforming into two rather large breasts, topped with large nipples that stood out in the cold air. The last piece of his transformation came as no brainer, as his rather large cock protruded in, becoming what was clearly its feminine counterpart.

When the transformation was done, Mike lay on the ground, breathing heavily. Steve was stunned, and fearful at the same time, but still unable to move. In a rage, Mike lunged upwards, but Karyn sidestepped him.

"I wish you couldn't move until I say so." And like that, The former Moose was no grounded for the time being. She then looked at Steve, who would have grimaced if he could. "I wish that Steve Farber would slowly and painfully transform into the girl I am picturing in my mind right now. You may also move now."

Steve was quicker than Mike, and so he nearly grabbed Karyn before Jon stepped between them and pushed him aside. Before Steve could react, he too was overcome with the unimaginable pain as his body began to contort and change.

His transformation was similar to Mike's and yet completely different. His hair, a short style of jet black hair, instantly transformed into a rich and golden honey blonde, and exploded down his rapidly shrinking and thinning back, sinking almost down all the way to his knees. Steve yelled out, his voice rising in pitch to a sultry soprano as he did. His waist caved in, held together by an invisible corset, and all of his muscle tone melted away to feminine tones and contours. His lips pouted out, becoming a natural shade of ruby red, and he felt every inch of his face become the mask of a slut. Finally, his breasts exploded out much as his hair did, while his penis simultaneously collapsed inward. When it was done, his breasts had to be as big as Mike's, but they were impossibly perky and firm, whereas Mike's were slightly sagging from the fat they contained. Once the transformation was done, Karyn likewise froze Steve in place. She then handed Jon the stone.

"You may not realize why we've done this," he began, "But until you figure that out and learn your lesson, we won't change you back." He then held the stone aloft. "I wish that everyone forgot about Steve "The Stud" Farber and Mike "The Moose Matthews, except for the four of us. I also wish that instead, everyone remembered Stephanie "The Slut" Farber and Mindy "The Mountain" Matthews, which you two are now. I wish that Stephanie and Mindy had all the knowledge, clothes, and accessories that a normal teenage girl of their types would have. I wish that as long as Stephanie and Mindy are in the company of anyone besides the four people here, that they can not act as Steve Farber or Mike Matthews would, and instead must act entirely like Stephanie and Mindy. During those times, I wish that Steve and Mike were consciously aware of everything going on around them, but were powerless to do anything to stop it." Satisfied, Jon wished for the two girls to be clothed and released them from their motionless prison, before following it with a wish to send them back home for the day, and setting the rest of the world back to noticing all of them.

"Not a bad start," Jon began, "But there's more we can do." Karyn nodded, as she saw Sarah McMillan in the distance.

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