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19. Julian chooses to be a an anor

18. Zoe decides to share with a fr

17. To Home Run Point and a fatefu

16. Not such a surprise

15. Zoe's new life takes wing(s).

14. The bat...

13. Unsuccessful test?

12. Who else?

11. Much to Sarah's Surprise

10. Sarah wishes... (without failu

9. "...Karyn was small enough to

8. Just a dream

7. Oops! (The one you'd think I'd

6. Sarah thanks Karyn...

5. Clothes make the woman

4. Jon continues to adjust to his

3. Jon tries to adjust

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

These girls make the best wishes yet.

on 2005-02-07 08:53:35

697 hits, 48 views, 0 upvotes.

Age MTF Magic Myth Part Theft Size TF Unaware

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It was like a butterfly emerging from her cocoon as Juilan morphed from a nerdy boy into an anorexic teenage fashion model. Her face was perfectly sculpted, with a strong jawline and high cheekbones and the most juicy bee-stung red lips Zoe had ever seen on another girl. She had deep blue doe eyes, made deeper by a generous helping of eyeliner. Instead of his old spiky black hair, a wavy curtain of bright blond hair flowed like a waterfall from the top of her head and crashed against her shoulders in a wavy heap.

"Welcome to the club, girlfriend."

Zoe gave Julian a warm hug. Zoe was not a huge girl by any means but she almost engulfed the waif that Julian had become.

"Do I look okay?"

"Julian, you're as thin as a rail."

Zoe meant it, Julian's new form, in her new clothes was thin and squarish like a two by four with bony hips and small pointy breasts that just barely lifted her loose baby tee away from the band of stomach it revealed. She couldn't have been ore than a foot across at her hips and maybe 9 inches deep at her lean stomach.

"Thanks. I was tempted to go asian or even black, but I decided that may cause too much confusion."

"It's a little boyish if you ask me."

"Well, it doesn't feel that way from in here."

Julian's face lit up as she grabbed her breasts. The realization that she was now a fully-functioning biological girl was starting to sink in. The look of pure bliss on this beautiful girls face seemed to be contagious. Zoe started to smile in turn.

"Besides," Julian added as her slight hands placed themselves on her shifting hips. "Do you know any boys this thin or this blonde?"

"No. I guess not."

"This is great! I feel so right, like I've been reborn!"

Julian's already musical girl-voice grew even more excited as she picked the rock back up.

"Oh! That reminds me! I wish that no matter what I eat my body fat will stay at it's current percentage of my mass until I wish otherwise."

"Whoa," Zoe gasped. "That's a great wish. Can you really do that?"
Julian handed the rock back to Zoe.

"I don't know, I just figured I might want an 'out' later, in case I wanted bigger boobs or something else."

"Well let's find out if it works."

Zoe grabbed one of Julian's boy shirts out of the closet and tossed it on the bed. She pointed the rock at it like a weapon.

"I wish the shirt on that bed turns blue until I wish otherwise."

The shirt turned from grey to bright blue.

"I wish that shirt would turn bright red until I wish otherwise."

The shirt turned to an almost unnatural clear bright red.

"Julian, you're a genius! You figured out how to counteract, you know, how the wishes are permanent!"

"Too late to counteract those though." Julian said while pointing to Zoe's wings.

"Hey man, don't diss my wings, the wings are cool. I wouldn't wish them away now if I could."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. Speaking of, don't call me 'man.'"

"Okay." Zoe rolled her eyes. "But now it's my turn for some body work."
Zoe rolled up her tank top.

"I wish I had some very well toned abdominals like in the style of supermodel Heidi Klum -- until I wish otherwise."

Zoe didn't really have a fat stomach but it soon felt heat radiating from the area as it transformed from a girls tummy to a nice set of perfectly sculpted abs. Flat and firm, only interrupted by slight creavices on the border.

"That's hot." Julian nodded in approval.

"Now, what was the first really good one you did? ' I wish that no matter what I eat my body fat will stay at it's current percentage of my mass until I wish otherwise.'"

Zoe felt a something was different, but it wasn't tangible like her stomach firming up. But with a wish like that she didn't have to watch what she ate nor worry about being stuck as a teenager forever.
Julian at this point was looking at herself from behind in her full-length mirror.

"Well, this has been fun, but my mom will be missing me soon. And I'm sure you're going to want some time to... get to know your, uh new self."

Julian's blush accentuated her new higher cheekbones. However her face quickly formed a lascivious grin. "Oh yeah."

"Is there anything else you want to wish before I head out?"

"Well, there is one thing. I think wishing for some kind of power would be cool. But... wings are really more your thing. (Even though I would look totally hot in some white feathery angel wings) Uhm, here, gimme the rock."

Zoe placed the rock back in Julian's hand.

"I always knew if I was going to have a some kind of supernatural power, it would be..."

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