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5. not just flat *chested*

4. Jon continues to adjust to his

3. Jon tries to adjust

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

A Shell of Her Former Self

on 2002-02-19 10:31:46

2276 hits, 132 views, 1 upvotes.

Aware FTM MTF Part Theft Super

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Karyn continued, "I wish you weren't so full of yourself." then gasped as she realized she'd done it again.

"That can't be good." her bra sighed in her head.

Sarah opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was the whooshing of air, like something deflating. Then it all happened very quickly, her eyes rolled back, her knees buckled, her head tilted back, and her arms went limp. Sarah fell to the floor like a rag doll, laying on her back with her limbs splayed about. Sarah's large breasts began to recede into her clothing, losing cup size after cup size, until they were no longer visible underneath her shirt. Her arms and legs began to flatten out and become wrinkled, looking just like something inflatable with all the air let out. The features on her face remained rigid, but her skull had become hollow, and now it too laid flat on the floor, supported by a pillow of blonde hair. The whooshing sound died down and left Karyn staring in shocked silence at the transformed cheerleader.

Jon chimed in again, "Hello? Karyn? What happened?"

"See for yourself." She replied, and took off her shirt.

"I can't see her, where did she go?"

"Look down! On the floor!" Karyn leaned forward, aiming her boobs at the ground.

Jon saw what was left of Sarah in her crumpled pile of clothes, looking like Bullwinkle after the Macy's parade is over. "Good lord! What did you do to her?"

"You heard the wish. Do the math, bra boy!"

"Is she alright?"

"I wish I knew." Suddenly it became clear to Karyn, that even though Sarah looked mutilated, she could actually survive indefinitely in this state - though she might not be very comfortable. "Good", Karyn thought to herself, and then to Jon, "She'll live."

"Well, get her out of sight before someone else comes in!"

"Okay okay." Karyn went over and removed what was left of Sarah from her clothes. She held her up and stared into her empty eye sockets, wondering if Sarah could see or hear her. Sarah looked just like all her insides had been removed, leaving only skin and hair. Her deflated breasts hung limp against her chest. Karyn resisted making the obvious joke, but couldn't help smiling. Looking down below Sarah's flat belly she saw a patch of brunette pubic hair. "So the truth is finally revealed. I wonder how many members of the football team also know your little secret? Ah!" Karyn gasped as her bra tightened around her chest by itself. "What is it?"

"Sorry, I just got a little excited. Even if she is limp as a towel, she's still a naked girl."

"Oh, and the gigantic pair of breasts you're wrapped around already aren't enough for you? Well here, how about a quick threesome?" Karyn took Sarah's limp form, bunched it up a little, and began rubbing her against her own chest. Jon could feel a pair of firm nipples rubbing against him from both the inside and the outside. If he still had genitals he probably would've come right then and there.

"Eeeeek!" Another student had just walked into the locker room and caught sight of the bizarre proceedings. "Wha- What's going on?"

Karyn thought fast, "Uhhh I wish you would umm, forget you saw this and err, come back in a few minutes." The girl's expression turned blank and she turned mechanically and left the room. "I also wish the door would lock behind you."

"Oh, suddenly we're a wishing pro?" Jon mumbled.

"Hey, don't make me wish you into someplace less pleasant. That should buy us a few minutes. Now what?"

"Well frankly, I'm far too aroused to think clearly. Something about being constantly in contact with a pair of large and lovely breasts makes it hard to concentrate. I propose we just get her out of sight for now and worry about how to 'fix' her later. I also think you need a break from the stone."

"Agreed." Karyn stuffed Sarah, as well as all of her victim's things into her locker. Karyn was certainly starting a large collection of other people's clothes. She removed the wishing stone from between her boobs and made one carefully worded wish. "I wish that no one else but me will be able to remove this stone from my locker."

"Ooh, nice touch."


There was a banging and multiple voices at the door. "Hello?" "Who locked this?" "Was gym class canceled?"

Karyn shouted back, "I'll be right there!" She went to unlock the door. "Okay Jon, get ready for the time of your life."


"You're about to have a bra's-eye-view of a bunch of high school girls changing their clothes in a locker room."


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