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7. a bit complicated, but fun for

6. A Simple Solution

5. not just flat *chested*

4. Jon continues to adjust to his

3. Jon tries to adjust

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

Pulling Together Loose Threads

on 2002-02-21 13:07:11

1296 hits, 76 views, 1 upvotes.

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Karyn stared at the empty girlskin laid out naked on her bed and pondered where to begin. She thought back to how Sarah had gotten into this state in the first place. The stone had fulfilled Karyn's wish that Sarah wouldn't be "so full of herself". So now she was full of nothing at all. Karyn knew she couldn't simply reverse the wish and refill Sarah with "herself", presumably replacing her organs or whatever. Karyn also didn't think another conditional-style wish, like the one which restored Jon, was such a hot idea. She couldn't keep an eye on Sarah all the time to make sure she avoided the stated condition.

Looking at Sarah's hollow face kind of reminded Karyn of a mask. In fact, if Karyn wanted, she could probably wish a zipper onto the back and wear Sarah like some sort of a rubber costume. Karyn, however, had absolutely no desire to impersonate Sarah. Thanks to that earlier careless wish, she already looked more like Sarah than she'd ever wanted to. In fact, the weight of her enhanced bustline was beginning to nag at her again. No doubt due to the fact that her best friend was no longer serving as the ideal bra.

Karyn knelt down to rest her massive breasts on her bed and couldn't help brushing them against Sarah's limp form. Feeling how smooth and silky Sarah's skin felt finally gave Karyn the inspitation she needed. "Hmmm, you feel great, Sarah. Maybe wearing you isn't such a bad idea after all, buuut not like that." Karyn stood up, removed the remainder of her clothes, once more took hold of the stone, and prepared one very carefully worded wish.

"Ok, here goes. I wish that whenever I kiss Sarah, she will transform into whatever sort of an outfit I'm thinking of and appear on my body, and that she'll stay that way until I take her off or until I kiss her again transforming her into another outfit." Karyn paused for breath. "Phew, Faust eat your heart out. Now, let's see if that worked. Something simple perhaps."

Karyn bent down and kissed Sarah's empty lips. Karyn's eyes fluttered briefly, and when she looked down again, the Sarah skin was gone and she was wearing a pink T-shirt, which is exactly what she'd been imagining. "Well, the first part certainly works, let's try reversing it." Karyn pulled the shirt off and before she could blink twice she was holding Sarah's empty form again. "Perfect, now you won't be stuck as my clothes forever, juuust in case I decide to do something else to you. Now let's try something a bit more complex."

Karyn kissed Sarah again and found herself wearing a yellow 2-piece bikini. Karyn took a moment to admire herself in her mirror. "Y'know, I just might be able to get used to this new figure. It's not so bad as long as I have proper support, which leads me to my next wish. I wish that whatever sort of outfit Sarah turns into, it will give my new breasts perfect support and comfort with a minimum of uncontrolled jiggling." A feeling of warmth from the stone indicated another granted wish and suddenly the weight on Karyn's chest ceased to bother her.

"I really think I'm getting the hang of this, don't you agree Sarah? Hmmm, I'm still not sure how you feel about this, so just to be sure, I wish that Sarah was aware of her situation, but basically content and accepting of the fact that she's at my mercy." Another flash of warmth.

Suddenly, things became a whole lot clearer for Sarah. Ever since she blacked-out in the locker room she'd had a very hard time telling what was going on. She couldn't really see or hear anything, only feel, and what she did feel didn't make any sense. She'd gotten angry, then upset, then sad, and finally just impatient. Now however, she knew exactly what was going on. She was going to serve Karyn by becoming various types of clothing. Right now she was a swimsuit and that was okay with her. Sarah had always been a big fan of clothing anyway, so something about this clicked with her just fine. She could feel Karyn untying her top and wondered what sort of outfit she'd become next.

Karyn had taken off her bikini top and was waiting to see if anything happened. "Good," she thought, "the whole outfit has to come off before she can revert." Sure enough, as soon as Karyn removed the bottom, both pieces vanished and Sarah reappeared. "Alright Sarah, one more wish should seal the deal, but first-" Another kiss from Karyn and Sarah became a gorgeous black evening dress, complete with matching heels, gloves, and handbag, not to mention two diamond bracelets, a necklace, earings, AND a tiara.

Even Karyn was a bit taken back by the sight of herself in her dream ensemble. She might never have to buy clothes again! "Okay, finally, I wish that if Sarah is ever damaged, stained, or otherwise soiled while in clothes form, for that damage to be wiped away the next time she changes shape. That should take care of everything."

There was a knock at the door, followed by Jon's voice, "Karyn, are you dressed?"

"Am I ever. Come in and see for yourself."

"Okay I---whoah! Karyn, you look fantastic. That outfit is really something, but don't you think it's a bit too soon to be wishing-up diamonds?" Jon glanced over at the bed, "Oh, where's Sarah?"

"Right here, actually," Karyn gestured to indicate her outfit. "but that's not all. Check this out." Karyn lifted her wrist up to her mouth and kissed her bracelet. In a blink her gown ensemble had been replaced by a tennis outfit, complete with raquet. She kissed her wristband and she was wearing a men's business suit. A kiss to the sleeve and she was barely visible inside a large chicken costume, like the kind sports mascots wear. One more change left her standing in a baggy sweatshirt and bluejeans. "How 'bout that? Huh? Huh?"

Jon was dumbfounded. "I think you need to explain."

Karyn took a moment to relate the details of her latest string of wishes to Jon.

"Wow," Jon noted, "that's really... complicated, but it certainly sounds like you're getting the hang of the wishing stone. Now Karyn, you really don't have any problem with forcing Sarah to serve as your own personal clothes horse?"

"Well, I did put in a failsafe to return her to her 'empty self' if necessary. From there we should be able to restore her, but for now, I think this is the perfect payback. Don't you?"

"Yeah, she spent all that time trying to make you look bad, so now she's going to help make you look good."

"Exactly! So, now that Sarah's taken care of, and you're human again, what do you say we go out and have a little more fun with this stone?"

"Are you sure that's such a wise idea after what's already happened today?"

"C'mon Jon! I admit things got off to a rough start, but you can't just ignore an opportunity like this. You have the power to do... or be anything you want. Surely you came up with some ideas while you were wrapped around my chest all day. The day is young! Here, I believe this belongs to you." Karyn handed Jon the stone.

Jon looked at the simple stone in his hands. "I suppose you're right. My grampa trusted me with this for a reason, and so far we've been able to reverse any damage we've done."

"Great! Then you're ready to have some fun?"

A smile lit up Jon's face, "Yeah, and I know right where to start."

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