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3. Support of of different Sort

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2002-02-12 23:58:59

2381 hits, 84 views, 0 upvotes.

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karyn held up the wishing stone and said "I wish i were somewhere with

mystery and excitement.Jon boy felt himself begin to change and grow.He felt

full inside and could feel the wet mud under his paws and the rain and hail

pelting against her thick white fur.It was a dark and stormy night,the thunder

cracked and Jon could see the ancient castle outlined by the lightening

flashes.Jon moaned and knew that she was a female polar bear stuck in a cheap

dimestore thriller.

She felt her mammaries fill and she knew she was with child.She looked

around.A young polar bear cub was eying her belly hungrily."Karyn,is that you?"

The polar bear cub started walking forward towards that enticing teat"well you

did say you wanted to support me"Then Karyn shut up and began sucking hungrily

at her new mothers mammaries.SLURP SLURP SLURP "what did you do with the

wishing stone Karyn?"SLURP SLURP SLURP "OH i see,you lost it in the mud

somewhere!Well we can search for it in the daylight.Till then we better find


Jon started walking towards the castle,her hungry cub close in tow.Then a sound

rent thru the night"Aroooooooooooooaaaaaaaahh"followed by a scream,and the sound

of a gun being fired rapidly 7 times.Then a scream and silence

It was daylight and Jon was getting a better look at herself and Karyn.They both

had silver bands around their necks,and as Karyn fed Jon looked at the writings

on her band.It looked liked chicken scratches.She heard a rustling in the bush

and was surprised to find herself staring face to face with a dragoness about

the same size as her.It was easy to sex the thing,it wore pink bikinis over a

dark green and silver body.

The dragoness spoke"Aurora,what are you and Karyn doing out here in the rain.

Chief Bill Coyote ,the human and i expected you in the Queens castle hours

ago.While you've been out muddying your fur,the werewolves have told the Salmon

People Council that if we don't find Queen SilverClaws in the next 48 hours

there will be WAR!"

"Stop looking back,we've got a murder to solve!"

Jon began to give a worried whine,she had just spotted the wishing stone

sitting beside a tree root.But the dragoness was insistent and all 3 trotted to

the castle.

They briefly stopped near the castle drawbridge.Four werewolves lay sprawled

lifeless on the wooden bridge.A trail of blood led from one to inside the

castle.They went up the stairs which wound up the tower to the Queens bed

chamber.Queen Silverfang lay stretched out on her bed.One paw rested on her

bosom.while the other lay on the floor.A few inches away was a revolver and

beside the revolver a shatter pitcher rested on top of a piece of paper.The

human held his camcorder and was recording the murder scene.

In a corner of the room chief Spirit Detective Bill Coyote of the Salmon People

stood crouched down,deep in thought and puffing his pipe.He wore a overcoat of

silver scales and his hair was long and in ringlets.

He noticed the incoming vistors."Ah Jenthe,you brought in our guest psychic.The

dragoness gave a confused look and Coyote corrected himself (shape and sex

shifting dragons can be a pain) "Jeane 24?"The dragoness began to purr in

response and settled down on the floor just outside the door.

Bill Coyote turned his attention to the mother polar bear and her hungry

cub."Greetings Aurora Dreamstar of the polar bear clan,i hope the gods brought

you and your young daughter many seals this year?"Jon didn't know what else to

do,so she simply growled and nodded .She was beginning to feel hot under the

band around her neck.She kept hearing the sound of breaking glass.Yet when she

looked around...............

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