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3. A more "useful" loophole in th

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn always was the more dominate of the pair.

on 2010-06-13 12:57:15

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Herm Magic TF

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"What?! I'm a bra?" Jon practically yelled, making Karyn wince as his voice echoed through her head.

"Ok, ok calm down, we can't just unwish this so we need to look for more subtle outs right?" She said as she gently stroked him in a unconscious attempt to calm him down.

"Oh, please stop that." He said half heartedly as he felt her fingers gently brush over his thin, soft form.

"Why, what's it feel like?" She asked, sounding more curious than anything else.

"Well kinda nice, but c'mon lets concentrate on getting me human again. it's weird holding you up like this."

"Alright, so what were your exact words?" She asked, leaning back abit and pulling his body tighter around her own.

"Ugh, um I said I wished I could help you."

"I got it, as long as your helping me you can be what ever."

"I'm not sure I like where this is going." Said Jon worriedly.

"Hey at least you won't be a bra, well not all the time at least. I wish that Jon was whatever I needed him to be and that i could change him on command."

"Karyn, don't you think that was a bit, inconsiderate, you know turning me into your personal all purpose toy."

"Oh don't whine you always had the hots for me. This way you'll get to enjoy every part of me, in one form or another." She finished with a giggle as she began brushing a finger over a swelling nipple. She was getting rather hot over this, the fact that her nubs where pushing through him was the big give away.

"But I'm not exactly comfortable with this, I mean I don't feel like myself" complained Jon.

"I can fix that easily. I wish that Jon had all his original senses and that he couldn't feel pain or discomfort."

Jon felt the strain from holding Karyn's breasts disappear, all that was left the warmth and comforting weight of her mammaries.

"Let's go home Jon, I want to test your limits."

"I really don't like the sound of that."

"Oh I think you will soon. I wish we were in my room."

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