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3. Chad tests it out

2. Asking the Wisest Man I Know

1. You Are What You Wish

Weeding out the solution

on 2002-02-17 09:46:41

3185 hits, 144 views, 0 upvotes.

Body Swap Herm Omni Part Theft

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I knew I was going to look like a fool unless I backed up my story.
"Okay, I'll show it in action." I instantly thought up a harmless wish. "I wish there was a 20 dollar bill on the coffee table." The powerful light filled the room, and when it subsided, a 20 dollar bill rested on the coffee table. To continue my example, I said "I wish there wasn't a 20 dollar bill on the table." As expected, nothing happened.
"See? You can't undo a wish" I restated.
"Okay, I see what you mean," Chad said, "Let me do a little test." I handed the rock to Chad. He observed the rock for a moment then held it triumphantly in his hand.
"It's cool if I make a wish, right?" He asked. I was really glad he asked, thats what makes Chad so trustworthy. I told him it was all right with me.
"Don't do anything retarded." Julie broke in. Chad smirked at her and began his wish.
"I wish I had a pound of the most potent bud in the world." He declared. We all glanced away, and when we looked back, a giant amount of bright green, crystal covered marijuana was sitting on the table. Chad was ecstatic.
"Holy shit, man! This is great! Take this rock from me right now until I calm down." I did as he said so. Right after I freed his hands, he grabbed a small pipe near him and packed a little bit of the new weed into it. He took a small hit and slowly sunk into the couch.
" so awesome." He muttered. He then resituated himself and handed the pipe to me.
"Julie, hold the rock." Chad said.
"No, really, I don't smoke. Especially when I have this much power." I hesitantly declared. This did look like the time to smoke weed, if there was one. It was only 1:12pm, Karyn wouldn't be awake for awhile, I had nothing to lose. I gave in, and grabbed the pipe, making sure that Julie had the rock, so I wasn't stupid with it. I trusted her, after all, if she could keep stoner Chad in line, she could probably handle the rock.
I lit the bowl and inhaled. It tasted suprisingly good, until the harshness made me cough until I teared up. But once I got the tears out of my eyes, I knew I was completely stoned. Not only do I not smoke weed, but I just hit the supposedly greatest weed in the world. I was completely baked. Just as I was starting to feel comfortable, Julie said "Well, now that I have the rock..."

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