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3. The Discovery Channel

2. Let's see what's on the tube

1. You Are What You Wish

The Discovery Channel

on 2002-03-02 22:39:06

1775 hits, 72 views, 1 upvotes.

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"I wish that Karyn would take off her clothes and walk around her room naked for the next five minutes," Jon said happily. Careful to include an out so the wish wouldn't be permanent.

Jon felt the stone grow warm in his hand, realizing that this channel was about to get more interesting.

Sure enough, no sooner had the heat from the stone passed, Karyn stood up and started to undress. She kicked off her shoes and socks, flinging them carelessly into a corner. Then cradling the phone between her ear and shoulder, she undid her pants and let them fall to the floor. Karyn then eased her panties over her hips and let them fall in a heap on the floor.

"Hold on a sec Jen," Karyn said as she set the phone down. She then pulled her baggy sweatshirt over her head, revealing her wish enduced, breasts.

"Now this is tv," Jon said with a smile as Karyn picked the phone back up and continued to talk to Jennifer, walking back and forth across her bedroom.

To Jon's surprise, Karyn stopped in her tracks. "Why did I do that?" Karyn asked.

"Why did you do what?" Jennifer replied.

"Huh? Oh nothing I guess," Karyn said as she continued to talk and pace.

"Let's do something to let Karyn know what's going on," Jon said with a smile. "I wish that Karyn would walk like a monkey for the next thirty seconds."

As expected, Jon stared at a completely naked Karyn walking like a monkey. With one hand holding the phone to her ear and the other on the floor, Karyn ambled across her room like a chimp.

Karyn took several steps like this before she realized what she was doing. "What the hell?" she gasped.

"Karyn, are you okay?" Jennifer asked.

Then as soon as it had occured, Karyn stood erect once more and continued to pace like normal. "I'm not sure Jen, I think somebody's playing a little joke on me."

"What do you mean?" Jennifer asked.

"I'll explain it to you later Jen, later." With that, Jennifer hung up the phone and peeked out the window. "Okay, Jon. I can only assume that this is your idea of a joke. Where are you?"

Just then, Karyn's phone rang. "Hello?" she asked.

"Hi Karyn, what's shakin'?" Jon asked with a laugh.

"Where are you?" she asked angrily. "I know you're doing this, show yourself."

"Relax, Karyn," he explained. "I'm at home watching you on TV. I think I'm getting the hang of using the wishing stone."

"I can see you're putting it to good use," she said sarcastically. "Making me strip naked and walk like a monkey aren't exactly noble wishes."

"Don't be mad Karyn," Jon soothed. "It was just a joke. I just couldn't wait to talk to you that's all. No harm done."

"Well, I guess so, just tell me I'm not going to be naked for the rest of my life," she asked.

"As a matter of fact, that wish should end any time now," Jon replied. "I only wished that you'd be naked for five minutes. See, I told you I was getting good at this. Here let me show you."

"No Jon, wait!" Karyn exclaimed.

"I wish that whenever I say "Kermit", Karyn will turn into a giant frog with her hair, boobs and the ability to speak and understand what was going on. I also wish that my last wish will only work once and that Karyn will return to normal when I say her name twice."

"Jon, you had better not let me get a hold of that rock," Karyn said angrily. "This might be funny to you, but..."

"Just relax Kermit," Jon interupted with a laugh.

Instantly, where once stood Karyn was a giant frog with enourmous green breasts and Karyn's blonde hair.

"You are so gonna get it when I get my hands on you," karyn croaked angrily.

"This is so much fun," Jon exclaimed.

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