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3. Jon broadens his horizons

2. Let's see what's on the tube

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2002-03-03 06:17:12

1525 hits, 49 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro FTP MC MTF Omni Size Super

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"... that I could now see what Teresa Temple is doing right now."

The wish fulfilled Jon's wildest dreams. Teresa Temple was currently his favorite girl singer. She lived in Wales, and sang just about any kind of style known. Broadway, pop-rock, opera, country-western, soul, Celtic folk ballads, EVERYTHING could be sung by her. And though Jon had never been a big opera or Broadway fan, he liked the songs when she sang them.

But now he was seeing what no fan of hers had seen before.

She was taking a shower.

Just then ...

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