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3. Wish for the answer

2. Identity crisis

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's wish

on 2016-04-09 12:06:14

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Animal FTP MTF Myth Part Swap

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I stared at the photo, surely it wasn't true, could my whole life have been a lie? Liz eyed the rock in my hand. "I just wish I knew the truth about us" I said to myself still in shock from the story I heard, then was suddenly in shock as Liz knocked the stone from my hand.

I looked up at her and back at the photo, which I now knew was just some old photo that Gabriel Sinclair an archeologist my grandfather had stolen the rock from previously had found in her travels since she was robbed.

I knew it all now,, 1938 somewhere in South American rainforest, Gabriel Sinclair stood over the rock where it lay on a plinth. He had been searching for over a year for a British museum in London to acquire the ancient artefact and put it somewhere safe where the world could see it but never use it. He was a hero and few would challenge him to a fight as good with a gun as he was with his fists or bullwhip,

He tipped his fedora and weighed the similar sized stone, he would have to be quick, it was bound to be boobytrapped they always were. Quickly he swapped the stones, the plinth noticed and raised up from the ground as water burst through the wall ahead. But he didn't panic, he was well known for his lightning reflexes and quick wit. "I wish I were back at the entrance to the temple" he screamed.

The stone flashed bright, for the first time in a long time, it was free.

The next thing Sinclair noticed were the arrowheads at his throat, a tribe of locals gathered around him.

"Henry Gibson! You fiend, I should have known it was you" he said to the man in the white safari jacked and pith helmet. Looking around for some escape, some advantage to help him get an upper hand. But only the edge of the cliff was viable far beneath his friend Nigel and his plane.

"Shut your mouth Mr Sinclair, another word and you will die" Grampa Gibson said in a thick German accent and spoke to the locals in a language neither Sinclair or Jon understood. "It would seem once again there is nothing in the world I cannot take from you, this rock will make me very rich in America." He laughed. Sinclair strained against the men holding him down.

"Now you will die, but before you do I think that it would be fitting for you to finally be bested by a booby trap, I wish for Gabriel Sinclaire to be stuck in the body of a teenage girl until he uses the rock to wish himself back to normal" the stone flashed and Sinclairs body started to pulsate and morph. "Haha, you want to get the stone back don't you, but you will do on be dead" Grampa said waving the stone over the shrinking mans head.

But the locals looked worried staring at the diminishing man, his hair now long and unkept, Sinclair made a break for it, diving off the cliff he disappeared into the dark river below.

Sinclair didn't know why Henry hadn't wished her dead, maybe he thought of it to late, maybe he thought it funnier to leave her as a teenage girl, either way she was soon sat in the back of Neil's plane and flying to the British embassy, where where would lie about the death of her family and start a new life at a boarding school for orphaned young girls back in England.

Neil had helped her and she had watched him grow old and die, always planning on revenge against Gibson and his family..

Finally Henry had died and she had investigated his will and traced the stone back to Jons house, where she had made up the story Beforehand Just in case she had been caught, using a photo that she had acquired at a local yard sale just in case.

Snapping back to reality I stared at the teenage girl I now knew to be Gabriel Sinclair.

"Haha I wish that I was no longer trapped in this body of a teenage girl and that I am dressed in the clothes I wore the day I was transformed into a girl, I also wish for Gibsons grandchildren to be tied up and gagged" Sinclair said. I felt ropes bind me and a gag in my mouth as I watched Sinclair return to the body of a rugged adventurer, now dressed in a fedora and brown leather jacket and holding an old revolver in his free hand. He smiled.

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