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3. Meeting up with Karyn

2. A Chance Encounter...

1. You Are What You Wish

Meeting up with Karyn

on 2011-11-18 23:01:03

1037 hits, 30 views, 0 upvotes.

Anthro Aware FTM MC MTF Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF Unaware

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"I'm on my way to meet up with Karyn" Jon said, "wanna come along?"

"Sure!" Emily said smileing,

After a little walk they got to Karyn's house, "Emily!" Karyn shouted running to hug her friend, "Long time no see girl!"

"I know, I missed you two so much" Emily said breaking the hug,

"Come on in," Karyn said, "we can talk about old times."

Inside they sat around a coffee table eating cookies Karyn's mom had made earlier that morning.

"So I see you've grown Karyn" Emily said noticing Karyn's large breast, and your a blonde now?" she asked.

Karyn blushed. "Its a long story"

Jon laughed "A wish gone wrong."

"Wish?" Emily asked taking another cookie from the table..

Jon and Karyn looked at each other before Jon pulled the stone from his pocket and set it on the table and explained what happed.

"So this thing grants wishes?" Emily asked picking it up..

"Yes" Jon said "but becareful what ever you wish is perminate..."

"Yeah" Karyn said motioning to her assets.

"So Jon?" she asked."You think I could make a wish?"

"Well," he paused to think

"Please!" Emily asked latching on to Jon's arm and batting her eyelashes.
"Aw, OK!" he said blushing

"Thanks!" Emily said kissing his cheeck, "I wish....."

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