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3. A Bit of Retconning

2. A little cultural change

1. You Are What You Wish

Lebron's Wish

on 2011-02-07 18:04:55

2392 hits, 99 views, 0 upvotes.

Age Aware FTM FTP Magic NBM SciFi

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(Author's Note: This episode retcons the last bit of the previous episode. I wanted Lebron's wish to be less specific, allowing for more possible directions for the story.)

Jon got his chance a few days later. Lebron called and said he had to talk to him. He came over to Jon's house a couple of hours later. His mom was out shopping, so they were alone.

Sitting in his room, Jon said "Hey, Carl. Any of you still in there, buddy?"

Lebron answered "Ain't no Carl left, Jon man. Jus me, Lebron - biggest baddest nigga ball player aroun', goin' to the NBA, gonna make millions 'n have bitches hangin' all over ma ass."

Jon's face fell. He didn't even sound like Carl anymore. He pleaded "C'mon, Carl. You gotta come back, buddy. Fight it, please!"

"Man, stop be bringin' me down, man. No way Carl comin' back. Matter o fact, I gotta do sumthin' bout you. Can't be havin' you mess this up, bein' you know bout the stone an all."

Lebron stopped and thought for a moment. Then he smiled, as something came to mind.

"No!" Jon yelled. "Please, Carl. Don't do this!"

"Hey, bitch. I said Carl ain't here. Now, I wish ..."

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