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3. another day

2. A hearts desire

1. You Are What You Wish

A stone in the hand....

on 2003-02-17 04:37:49

1869 hits, 52 views, 0 upvotes.

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Time goes on, and Jon manages to calm himself down, enough to go back to sleep.
He sleeps without further incident until the alarm clock finally goes off, signaling the begining of another wonderful day.

"I wish that stupid thing would stop buzzing", Jon mumbles through the haze of his sleepy mind.

The clock does just as he wished, which jolts him from his sleep. Looking down at his hand, he is once again reminded of the rock being embedded in his right palm. His mind races as he tries to figure out a way to hide the stone from the eyes of the general populus. Instantly an idea strikes him.

"I wish the rock was only visible to those I desire to show it to."

With those words, Jon begins to get ready for school. He eats a quick breakfast, and rushes out the door. Rounding a corner, he comes face to face with Carl James, the biggest asshole Jon had ever had the displeasure of meeting.

"Hey there, pondscum," Carl sneers, " what's the big hurry?"

"Hello Carl. Could you maybe, harrass me after school today, I'm kinda in a hurry here."

The first punch catches Jon completely off guard, and sends him sprawling to the sidewalk. A small geyser of blood erupts from his mouth, punctuated by two of Jon's favorite front teeth. Carl lifts Jon up by his collar, and throws another punch right into Jon's gut, doubling Jon over in agony. Jon fumbles for something to pull himself upright with, his right hand finding a hand hold on Carl's left arm.

"Ya know Jon, I kinda wish you could put up a better fight."

Still doubled over, Jon listens to the words, and grins.

"Well Carl, I suppose today is going to be your lucky day."

With that, Jon dropps low, sweeping Carl's legs out from underneath him. Carl's scream is cut short when his head hits the sidewalk with a resounding SMACK. Dazed, Carl lie there, staring up into the blue ocean of sky. Jon gives him a quick kick to the middle for good measure and begins walking away.

"I'm not done with you yet, jackass! I'm going to..." Carl doesn't get the chance to finish, as Jon does a backflip, landing beside his fallen foe, and with three quick hits, sends him off into a peaceful state of unconciousness.

"Oh yeah, and Carl? Be careful what you wish for.... It just might come true." With that, Jon rushes off to school.

He arrives at school with nearly half an hour to spare, so he decides to have a seat on the wall, where less then 24 hours ago, he had revealed the rock to Karyn.

"Oh... I nearly forgot. I wish my teeth were back to the way they were before the fight. Furthermore I wish, that all my bruises and wounds were healed."

So Jon sits, and waits, but not for very long. Karyn soon joins him on the wall.

"So, how'd ya sleep last night?" Karyn asks.

"Not to well..." Jon decides to let her see for herself what caused his unease. Turning his right hand palm up, he offers it to her. She grabs his hand and looks at it, turning it over.

"Is there something special about your hand?" Karyn raises an eyebrow, balls her hand up into a fist, and proceeds to make several up and down motions.

"No...look closer!" Saying that, Jon wills for Karyn to be able to see the stone.

Karyn looks down again, and is suprised to see the stone embedded in the flesh of Jon's palm.

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