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2. Home to Work, Work to Home; a

1. The Drafting Board

Home to Work, Work to Home: Intro

on 2019-05-11 02:55:11
Episode last modified by QAZ on 2019-05-11 03:16:27

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Jack, a 35 year old lawyer, came home after a long day, feeling guilty more so than ever. His relationship with his secretary, Sarah, was becoming more intimiate by the day. At first, the 23 year old blonde secretary would just make obvious sensual glances and looks at her boss, showing she had a sexual interest in him. But today, it had gotten more hot and heavy as Sarah made a move on him, kissing Jack passionately, and Jack not objecting to it. After their kiss, Sarah asked Jack to leave his wife and start a relationship with her, citing she would be a much better lover than Barbara, his 33 year old, brunette wife. Jack didn't decline, but instead said, "I'll think it over.", but soon after regretted saying this, his stomach turning. Jack did love his wife a lot. They married 12 years ago and had been high school sweethearts, but the last couple years, their relationship had become less passionate as they had become accustomed with their life, after having been together for a good decade. Throughout their marriage though, they still had rarely got into fights and continued to made every decision together.

Coming home, Jack knew what he wanted. While his secretary did have a knockout body and was always so sweet to him, their was no way he could actually see himself leaving Barbara for Sarah. Jack told himself he couldn't keep with what had been going on with Sarah, especially after the interaction he had with her today, so he decided he had to come clean to his wife.

"Babe! Can you come into the living room? I have to talk to you about something..." Jack said, just moments after he entered his home, setting down his briefcase and taking off his dress shoes from work.

Barbara was in the kitchen, having a small glass of wine to take the edge off for the evening, after having cleaned the whole house today. She had the time to do this because she had no job, but was instead a housewife.

Hearing what Jack said, became a little concerning to her. "Yeah, just one minute hun." Barbara replied, making her way from the kitchen to the living room, thinking, "I hope it's nothing bad."

Entering the living room, she saw Jack on the couch having somewhat of a negative look on his face, concerning her further.

Barbara sat down next to her husband on the couch, putting her wine glass on the coffee table, then looking to her husband asking, "What do you want to talk about?"

Jack let out a big sigh, before he finally responded saying, "It's about work... specifically Sarah..."

Barbara became aggravated right away, hearing the name of his young, blonde secretary. "Oh my god! Jack! You did something with that whore?!" Barbara angrily let out, a rare occurance for Barbara, as she was usually calm and cool, but always had a distain with Sarah when she became her husband's secretary.

Jack wanted to define his wife's word she used to describe her, but thought it'd be best not to, considering what he was about to reveal to her. "Sarah had been flirty with me the last few months and today... she kissed me. She then told me to start a relationship with her and I made a stupid response, saying "I'll think it over." I swear Barbara it was just the moment that caught me off guard! I LOVE YOU! I don't want any sort of relationship like that with her! She just was very deceptive towards me!" Jack let out, feeling good that he came clean, but knew his wife would certainly not have a gentle and calm response.

Barbara's heart sank from what her husband was telling her. She had feared this situation would eventually present itself and now she knew she was right all along. She now had become furious hearing this.

"Jack, I told you! I fucking told you this would happen! You know how this makes me feel? You kissing some hot young blonde, not objecting to it when you're MARRIED?! I can't believe you! What? You think I'm not hot enough anymore?!" Barbara furiously yelled out to her husband.

"Babe, babe, calm down. Everything is okay. I don't want anything to do with her in that regard! I love YOU, my WIFE! I couldn't ask for a better wife! I love that face of yours and those D cups!" Jack responded back, trying to calm his upset wife down.

"You still fucking acted on her move though, Jack! And don't try to talk good about my body! Any guy would say she has the hotter body, even if her boobs are B cups! I seriously can't look at you right now!" Barbara told Jack, turning her head away from him.

"Barbara! I can't put in words how sorry I am! I felt so bad about this that I had to come clean right away! If that isn't love, then I don't know what is! I want to be your husband! I want you to be my wife! I will tell Sarah tomorrow that nothing is ever going to happen like that between me and her again!" Jack pleaded to Barbara.

"Jack! Just leave me alone! I need to be with just myself for the night! You can sleep on the couch tonight!" Barbara said, getting up from the couch, and going upstairs to be with herself, as tears started coming out of her eyes.

"I can't believe it actually happened! I thought Jack would not act on anything with her, but he did! Ugh! I wish I could just be away from him!" Barbara told herself in the bathroom, as she got ready for bed.

Dressed for bed, she got into her bed, still furious about Jack and Sarah.

It wasn't until about a half hour later, she would eventually fall asleep as her mind kept thinking on and on about her husband and Sarah.

If only she had known her wish would be granted by when she awoke tomorrow morning...

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