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16. What now?

15. Mike's plan

14. Mike has a plan

13. Moose Knows It's a Wishing Sto

12. Moose Has the Stone

11. Jon Dropped the Stone ... Agai

10. Jon asks about the horse

9. Jon goes upstairs

8. ...grabbed the stone just in t

7. Jon decides to trick Steve

6. Steve Farber

5. Jon's Been Kidnapped

4. Jon is Gone

3. What do you mean?!?!

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Introducing Jillian Farber!

on 2011-04-27 19:37:08

2442 hits, 176 views, 0 upvotes.

Aware FTP MC Magic Musc Part Swap SciFi

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Jon stumbled and half fell into the big football player. In the process, her body jiggled in some unfamiliar and uncomfortable new places. That was when it really hit her. Moose's wish was complete, the stone was gone, and she wasn't Jon Gibson any more. She was Jillian Farber.

Jillian pushed herself away from Mike and punched him in the arm twice, making a noise that was half shriek and half growl before it resolved into words, "Moose, you asshole!"

"Hey!" Mike's knavish grin dissolved into a comical look of confused truculence. The big guy seemed more hurt by Jillian's words than either of the two punches, which only infuriated her further.

"You idiot! Why did you do that?!" Jillian hated how shrill and girlish her voice sounded, but what else could she do? After all, she was a girl now. Jillian forced her hands to unclench. She was making fists so hard her painted nails left ugly red welts indented into her palms. Trying to maintain a calm she didn't feel, Jillian noted the heaving of her new breasts with distaste, took a long slow breath, released it, then hissed at Moose in a low angry voice, "Wishes can't be reversed, you moron, and even if they could the stone is gone! You have ruined my life!"

"Well, gee, Jo - - I mean, Jillian, I didn't mean to, you know," Moose frowned and shrugged his big shoulders, "How was I supposed to know the stone would vanish?"

"You didn't just make me a girl, Moose," Jillian poked a finger into Mike's chest in time to her words. She would never have dared to do that if she were still Jon, "You made me someone else's kid! How could I inherit the - - you know what? Nevermind. You're too dumb to get it."

Eyes shut, head down, Jillian turned her back on Moose, hugging herself tightly, trying to keep herself from trembling. She hated to admit it, even if it was just to herself, but this was all her fault. By luck she had been born the inheritor of the most powerful force in history, a rock that literally granted wishes, and in the space of a day she lost it by dropping it TWICE! The first time had gotten Jon kidnapped, but Jon had been sly enough to get the stone back by tricking his kidnapper, Steve Farber, into wishing himself out of existence. It was the second time that did it. Moose found the stone and wished Jon into Jillian, making him the daughter that would replace Mrs. Farber's lost son.

Of course, if Jon was Jillian Farber she would never have inherited the stone. Worse, with the stone gone she couldn't wish her way out of the other parts of Mike's wish. Jillian bit her lip, tried to force it back down, but a ragged sob escaped her, making her shoulders shudder. She could feel tears starting at the corners of her eyes.

When Jillian turned her back on Moose, the football player was in a bad position to complain, because her backside was just as good as her front. She had juicy hips, powerful thighs, and a firm, round ass, all tighly packed into a pair of black jeans that really showed the whole package off. Not that the front was anything to gripe about. Her boobs weren't as big as Sarah McMillan's or that Karyn girl that always snubbed him, but Jillian's new chest set was pleasingly plump and she had a trim little waist connecting bouncy top to bootilicious bottom. He grinned, imagining what it would be like to pull her all wriggly and squirming down onto his lap. He didn't get to enjoy the image for long. The first of several gulping sobs wiped the image from his mind and made him feel like a real tool.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry," came Mike's voice and then there were arms around her, hugging her from behind, enclosing Jillian in a warm, rock solid embrace that she was disconcerted to discover was actually a little comforting, "We'll work it out. We can find the stone again, right?"

"Wrong," Jillian unhappily wriggled in Mike's arms until she speared an elbow into his six-pack and he let go with an oof, "There is no 'we.' I wouldn't trust you with that stone even if my life depended on it! If you got your hands on my stone again I'd probably wind up barefoot and pregnant, you creep!"

"Yeah? Well that thing only works half-assed anyway!" Mike growled. People always talked to him like he was dumb or told him he was mean, but even he knew when he got short-changed. Some wish this turned out to be!

"What are you babbling about?" Jillian turned to look back over her shoulder at the football playing meathead, a scowl on her full lips and one eyebrow arched in irritated inquiry.

"You're supposed to really like me, that was part of my wish, but it didn't work!" Mike knew he sounded like a little kid whining for their new toy, probably because he enjoyed tormenting his little brothers by dangling their toys above their heads, but he didn't care. He had only gotten to make one lousy wish with the thing. Now it was gone and this gorgeous chick he'd turned Jon into wouldn't even - -

Perhaps something in Jillian saw through Mike's burly exterior to that disappointed little kid inside him, the quiet kid that had been picked on until he got so big he started picking on others, because she felt a little bad for him. She knew how frustrating it was for something as powerful as that stone to so easily slip through your fingers. Even so, what she said next was a total shock to both of them.

"I do like you, Mike," Jillian paused and quickly turned away, not believing what she had just said. After a second she tried again, "I mean, I do like you..."

"You do?" Mike's face split in a broad grin, "Really?"

"Well, yeah," Jillian blushed. Mike was actually kind of cute. He was so tall and all those muscles - - Jillian stopped herself. This was insane, but she couldn't help herself. It was all part of Moose's wish. Luckily he had said 'like' and not 'love.' That would have been even more of a mess. She forced more of an edge into her voice, "But you can't just take something like that stone from someone, especially not after you use it to turn their life upside down, and expect them to be happy about it!"

"Oh," Mike's eyes clouded for a second as he thought about it, "Well, yeah, I get that, but see it from my side. I just wanted to keep you from getting the stone back so, you know, if you were all different and a girl and liked me you might've wanted me to have it."

Jillian laughed, partly because of how insane this all was, but she did have to admit it was a pretty devious wish, "Y'know, Moose, maybe you aren't as dumb as everyone thinks."

"That's what I keep trying to tell people," Moose said sulkily before his eyes met hers and perceptibly brightened, "So does this mean you'll go out with me too?"

"Sure," Jillian nodded even as she tried to shake her head no, "I'd like that."

Both of them stared at each other in shock. Jillian's stomach did a little flip-flop, but she couldn't tell if it was from dread or excitement. She was compelled to obey the wish, which meant she really liked Mike and would go out with him. She just hoped it didn't have to go any further than that. Plenty of girls really liked guys and went out with them on dates and never slept with them or went steady with them or anything else. Jillian was lost in her tangled thoughts, so Mike recovered first

"Really?!" There was that boyishness creeping out of the ogrish body again.

"Well, not really. I am still a guy in here, y'know!" Jillian scrunched up her nose as if she had smelled something bad. Mike's face fell and she felt bad again. She couldn't believe she was doing this, "But you aren't that bad. Maybe people need to cut you a break?"

"That's what I keep trying to tell people!" Mike laughed and Jillian couldn't help a little giggle. Oh God.

"We can talk about trying to find the stone," Jillian interjected in a firm voice, trying to lighten up the boyfriend-girlfriend elements, "So we can fix this! So I can get back to normal, okay?"

"Sure thing. I'll come by tonight about seven and pick you up!" Mike leaned down and planted a sloppy kiss on Jillian's lips before she could do anything to stop him.

Jillian growled and dragged the back of one hand across her lips, trying to wipe away the taste of Mike's mouth and the tingle on her lips, not caring that it smeared her lipstick a little, "Seven is fine. Just don't get any ideas. I am DEFINITELY NOT that kind of girl."

Mike just waved as he slouched off down the sidewalk. The big guy was all but oblivious to the fact that the girl he just set up a date with had recently been a guy and that she had tricked good ol' Steve Farber into becoming a horse. None of that mattered! He had a date for this Friday, a gold star moment for him. After all, he was used to cruising in Biff's shadow. Biff got the hot girls like Sarah. The hot girls that weren't Sarah said his car was crappy and he didn't have enough money. He was tired of the stupid girls like Tiffany, who was hot and who let him screw her, but was slutty enough to let everyone else screw her too. The smart girls like Karyn made fun of him. He just couldn't win. Now though? So what if he didn't get more wishes! This one wish might have solved his biggest problem and, who knew, if they found the stone again, well, let's just say Jillian better hope she got her pretty little hands on it first!

Jillian watched Mike go and just shook her head, slightly amused with this less threatening side of the big lunk. For a moment she wondered what was going through that tiny pea-brain of his and then decided it was better she didn't know. It was impossible to tell without a mirror, but based on what she could see of her new self, she had a pretty good idea what she would be thinking if she, or rather Jon, had just landed a date with her. Before he had become a horse, Steve Farber had sported a deep tan and wavy black hair, inherited from his mother's Italian ancestry. All the guys at school, Jon included, had acknowledged Steve's mom was a MILF of the first order - - out of Steve's earshot, of course. The problem was she was Jillian's mom now, not Steve's, and, based on her new long black hair and rich, even tan, Jillian was entertaining some very reasonable fears that she now looked a lot like her.

"Jillian!" A woman's voice yelled from nearby, "Jillian Farber! Do you hear me talking to you, young lady?!"

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