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3. Jon

2. Karyn finds out more about her

1. You Are What You Wish

A call from Jon

on 2019-06-10 20:42:12
Episode last modified by Soitu on 2019-06-10 21:17:59

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Karyn breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her friend's name appear, she wasn't ready to face someone like Sarah in this altered reality.

"Hello, Jon?"

"Karyn, are you okay? With your new... you know."

"I'm okay, but the stone is dangerous! My whole life changed!"

"I know, things even changed a little for me. You seems to be Zoe's arch-nemesis now and I have Sarah Mcmillan number."

"You too?"

"Yeah! What could be worse than that, right?

"I know! Everything else is pretty bad, but this is hell!"

They laughed together at their own joke. Karyn hasn't realized until now, but she was pretty stressed and it helped her relax a little after the event of the evening. Jon was probably the same, and he had to be careful with the stone too. Karyn suspected she would already have made another careless wish had she kept the stone during the evening...

"But seriously, you don't have too much problem because of the wish?"

"It could have been worse, but I will really need to adapt. Are you sure we can't reverse the wish?"

"That's why I called you. We might be unable to reverse a wish, but we could change it."

"What do you propose?"

"Well, before anything, I'd like to make some test. After everything your wish did, I don't feel like wishing blindly. I already know time limited wishes work, but I need you for some other test."

"Okay what do I do?"

"I need to test if you can be aware of a wish without hearing it. So... hum... what color is your shirt?"

"I... Am not wearing one right now..."

Karyn could practically hear Jon blush through the phone.

"Do you want to see?" teased Karyn, laughing a little.

That made Karyn once again think about her new breasts. She still didn't know if she wanted to keep them or not. If they could modify the wish to make her breasts smaller, chances are they wouldn't be able to regrow them after, she would be stuck with the size they would decide for her whole life...

After a moment of silence, Jon finally got past his embarrassment, "It's... not necessary." He then quickly changed subject, "Do you have anything I could change color and that you won't miss?"

Karyn looked around and found a pink lipstick that had appeared in her room after her wish. It seemed almost completely unused but that she was certain she could do without.

"Okay, I have a pink lipstick here."

"What? Really? Since when do you wear lipstick? And pink?"

It was Karyn's turn to be embarrassed, "Look, I told you the wish changed things. It seemed the new me is more... girly."

"Wow! Forget about Sarah's number. This is the worst thing that could have happened!" Laughed Jon, taking his revenge for the teasing earlier.

"Shut up! I don't want to use it, and it's almost not used, the new me probably wasn't a fan either."

"I don't know, it might look good on you, girly."

"Shut up and do your test!" Her face was a little red.

"Alright, I'm going to wish it was another color and you will tell me the color you remember."

"Shouldn't I remember it pink since I hear you wish?"

"Well, you don't really hear me. You only hear your phone reproducing my voice. So I'm not sure."

"That makes sense, I guess... You really thought about it a lot."

"That's almost the only thing I think about since this afternoon."

"Well... Let's do it, then."

"Alright, I wish the lipstick Karyn is holding was red for five minutes."

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