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3. 80's Baby!

2. A Taste Of Music (Reboot!)

1. You Are What You Wish

A Bit of 80's Pop!

avatar on 2019-06-20 15:12:24
Episode last modified by Mr. C on 2019-07-29 22:48:55

1390 hits, 114 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon taps his lip with the pencil as he thinks. This was a big decision! He could change every woman in the stone's range with a mere stroke of his pencil. Something super serious like Metal? Nah, may make them to violent. Country? Hmm that'd be funny, but not just yet. about... Jon begins to write on the first line of paper. "80's Pop" before setting the pencil down. He looks around a bit, before hurrying over to his door and looking out in the hall. Mainly to see Zoe's room. Tho as per usual, it was shut with the loud heavy metal blaring on the other side. 'Huh, maybe it takes a sec to kick in?' he thinks to himself, before shutting his door once more. Just barely missing Zoe as she walks out. Her dyed black hair now a natural light brown.

He sighs and picks up the stone, holding it to examine it a tad more. The deep blue was just....amazing. Almost as if a cloud was stuck inside, flowing like its in it's own little world. 'Well, that wouldn't actually surprise me...' he thinks to himself. Feeling a buss in his back pocket, he takes his phone out to see a text from Karyn! "Hey, how's the you know what?" it read. Setting the stone under his pillow, he begins to respond. "Fine, only used it once to test something out. Nothing to major yet." He lies, knowing Karyn would be absolutely furious if she knew what he did. "Jon please be careful with that thing, you know what it can do." She responds, nearly immediately at that! "I know, I know. How is, well your situation?" He says, only to get a about three minutes of nothing in reply. Just the little bubble with three dots moving up and down to symbol she is typing. 'Must be long.' he thinks to himself, but is a bit surprised when it simply reads. "Idk. don't rlly want to talk about it." He gives a sigh, not noticing how she shorten' her words. "Alright, well tomorrow I'll wish for school to be out. We'll test it then." He rubs his face a tad, feeling slightly guilty for not letting her in on his little 'test'. Tho after about five minutes to no reply, Jon gently dozes off to sleep, not hearing the buzz of his phone from the simple "Kk" from Karyn.

Jon rubs his eyes a bit, as the smell of....wait what exactly is that smell? He scrunches his nose a bit and raises up, noticing the sun now fully up, yet not fully shining just yet. Looking at his phone, he see's that it isn't even 7 in the morning yet. "Shit..." he mutters. 'Must've fallen asleep.' He raises an eyebrow as he see's Karyn's text, tho shrugs it off. It was to early for that kind of thinking. Standing up, he decides to leave the stone under his pillow. No one comes in his room but Mom, and that is only to put up clean clothes. Even then now a-days she's just sat them on the edge of the bed, and got onto him on how he 'Needs to start learning how to do it himself." Opening his door, he descends down the stairs and into the kitchen, momentarily forgetting about his musical wish~ Tho he is quickly reminded by the sight before him!

(AUTHORS'S NOTE: Hey all! Sorry for being gone for a week, I've unfortunately caught a evil thing called 'The Flu' and this summer time weather dose not help my allergies! I may not be writing for another few days, but Monday we will be returning to the regular 1 or more a day! Thank you for being patient! -Mr C )

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