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3. One Hour of Zoe

2. The next day after school.

1. You Are What You Wish

CoM: One Hour of Zoe

on 2009-08-02 15:56:55

1880 hits, 74 views, 3 upvotes.

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"Okay, I wish, that for the next hour Jon would act exactly like his sister Zoe."

"Karyn, wha-" was all that Jon could get out of his mouth before the flash came, and then there was silence.

When Karyn's eyes had recovered from the flash that had emanated from the wishing rock she found herself alone in Jon's room. Jon was nowhere to be found.

"Uh oh," she mumbled, fighting back panic.

Jon found himself standing under some trees. He exhaled, as a cloud of smoke appeared in front of his face. He looked down at the cigarette between his fingers and noticed the midnight purple polish on his nails. A similar shade of lipstick was on the end of the cigarette. Before he could really process this information, he put the cigarette to his lips and took another drag.

"Your brother and that chick Karyn sure were in a hurry to get home," A voice said. He looked up and saw a face he recognized as Athena, one of Zoe's friends, "Are they fucking?" she asked.

Jon felt himself laugh, and heard an identical but higher pitched laugh at the exact same time. "Yeah right," he said at the same time as someone else, "They probably got some new video game or something nerdy." Why was he saying that? And who was saying it with him? He recognized the voice. Even though he couldn't move his head, he was able to move his eyes to look to the right. Sure enough he saw his sister, standing in the way he felt himself standing, holding a cigarette, wearing a purple corset, a short black skirt, thigh high stockings with black and purple stripes and high-heeled black mary-janes. Jon looked down and saw he was wearing the same thing.

Jon now realized what was going on. It was Karyn's wish. Now, for the next hour, he'd be matching his sister's every move. It was frightening, but he sure couldn't show it. Instead he began to speak again.

"Let's go to the mall," he and his sister said together, "See what the norms are up to."

"Okay," Athena said. Jon and Zoe threw their cigarette butts to the ground and stomped them under their shoes. The trio made their way out of the secluded area of the park and began walking to the mall. Jon could only hope the hour would pass quickly.

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